Author: Voelter, M.     [Völter, M.]
Paper Title Page
Trends in Programming Languages  
  • M. Völter
    itemis, Luenen, Germany
  Over the last couple of years, two major trends have occurred in programming languages. One is the demise of Java as the jack of all trades in programming languages. New languages are developed, driven by the need for better support for concurrency and multicore, functional programming and meta programming. Second, the feasibility for niche communities to build their own languages has increased by the advent of language workbenches, tools that support the rapid development of DSLs, languages customized for a given task or problem domain. In this talk, I provide a quick overview of these trends, as well as the relevant languages and tools.  
slides icon Slides TUAAUKP05 [9.351 MB]  
Implementing DSLs with Xtext and MPS  
  • M. Völter
    itemis, Luenen, Germany
  This tutorial is an introduction to development of domain-specific languages, based on the 'Trends in Programming Languages' talk on Tuesday morning. I show a couple of example DSLs used in various technical domains. Then I provide details on two language workbenches: Eclipse Xtext and JetBrains MPS. Both are Java-based Open Source products that support the rapid development of DSLs, but they use radically different approaches: Xtext is parser-based, MPS is a projectional editor. The goal of the tutorial is to illustrate the usefulness of DSLs, showcase the productivity of language workbenches for developing languages, and give participants a head start in using Xtext and MPS. The tutorial is mostly example-based: I will demonstrate the implementation of a small DSL in each of the tools.  
slides icon Slides TUTMUKP02 [14.590 MB]