Author: Sartori, F.
Paper Title Page
Global Real Time Functions of the "Plasma System": Plasma Control and Machine Protection  
  • F. Sartori, M. Cavinato
    F4E, Barcelona, Spain
  • G. De Tommasi
    CREATE, Napoli, Italy
  • A. Neto
    IPFN, Lisbon, Portugal
  One of the most promising lines of research in the area of energy generation by means of nuclear fusion is Tokamak high temperature magnetic fusion. Tokamak devices are complex machines where very hot plasma is formed, controlled and heated thanks to collaboration of several systems. Many of these systems are involved directly with the management of the plasma and the reaching of the target fusion performances: diagnostics, machine instrumentation, plasma heating systems, and magnets. Especially close and real-time coordination among these systems and the plasma is required for safe and efficient operation of the device. This overall "plasma system" has recently emerged as one of the most important areas of research and development as performance in a large and advanced tokamak device strongly depends on it. This talk will first provide an introductory overview to the "plasma system" especially highlighting its most important requirements. The focus will then be then given to the functions required to support real time coordination among the systems: plasma control and machine protection. The talk will try to exemplify the range of problems encountered in this area using JET experience as a model. Finally an example of present architecture and a methodology addressing the above problems will be presented.  
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THDAULT06 MARTe Framework: a Middleware for Real-time Applications Development 1277
  • A. Neto, D. Alves, B. Carvalho, P.J. Carvalho, H. Fernandes, D.F. Valcárcel
    IPFN, Lisbon, Portugal
  • A. Barbalace, G. Manduchi
    Consorzio RFX, Associazione Euratom-ENEA sulla Fusione, Padova, Italy
  • L. Boncagni
    ENEA C.R. Frascati, Frascati (Roma), Italy
  • G. De Tommasi
    CREATE, Napoli, Italy
  • P. McCullen, A.V. Stephen
    CCFE, Culham, Abingdon, Oxon, United Kingdom
  • F. Sartori
    F4E, Barcelona, Spain
  • R. Vitelli
    Università di Roma II Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy
  • L. Zabeo
    ITER Organization, St. Paul lez Durance, France
  Funding: This work was supported by the European Communities under the contract of Association between EURATOM/IST and was carried out within the framework of the European Fusion Development Agreement
The Multi-threaded Application Real-Time executor (MARTe) is a C++ framework that provides a development environment for the design and deployment of real-time applications, e.g. control systems. The kernel of MARTe comprises a set of data-driven independent blocks, connected using a shared bus. This modular design enforces a clear boundary between algorithms, hardware interaction and system configuration. The architecture, being multi-platform, facilitates the test and commissioning of new systems, enabling the execution of plant models in offline environments and with the hardware-in-the-loop, whilst also providing a set of non-intrusive introspection and logging facilities. Furthermore, applications can be developed in non real-time environments and deployed in a real-time operating system, using exactly the same code and configuration data. The framework is already being used in several fusion experiments, with control cycles ranging from 50 microseconds to 10 milliseconds exhibiting jitters of less than 2%, using VxWorks, RTAI or Linux. Codes can also be developed and executed in Microsoft Windows, Solaris and Mac OS X. This paper discusses the main design concepts of MARTe, in particular the architectural choices which enabled the combination of real-time accuracy, performance and robustness with complex and modular data driven applications.
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