Author: Pandey, H.K.
Paper Title Page
MOPMU014 Development of Distributed Data Acquisition and Control System for Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre, Kolkata. 458
  • K. Datta, C. Datta, D.P. Dutta, T.K. Mandi, H.K. Pandey, D. Sarkar
    DAE/VECC, Calcutta, India
  • R. Anitha, A. Balasubramanian, K. Mourougayane
    SAMEER, Chennai, India
  To facilitate frontline nuclear physics research, an ISOL (Isotope Separator On Line) type Radioactive Ion Beam (RIB) facility is being constructed at Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre (VECC), Kolkata. The RIB facility at VECC consists of various subsystems like ECR Ion source, RFQ, Rebunchers, LINACs etc. that produce and accelerate the energetic beam of radioactive isotopes required for different experiments. The Distributed Data Acquisition and Control System (DDACS) is intended to monitor and control large number of parameters associated with different sub systems from a centralized location to do the complete operation of beam generation and beam tuning in a user friendly manner. The DDACS has been designed based on a 3-layer architecture namely Equipment interface layer, Supervisory layer and Operator interface layer. The Equipment interface layer consists of different Equipment Interface Modules (EIMs) which are designed around ARM processor and connected to different equipment through various interfaces such as RS-232, RS-485 etc. The Supervisory layer consists of VIA-processor based Embedded Controller (EC) with embedded XP operating system. This embedded controller, interfaced with EIMs through fiber optic cable, acquires and analyses the data from different EIMs. Operator interface layer consists mainly of PCs/Workstations working as operator consoles. The data acquired and analysed by the EC can be displayed at the operator console and the operator can centrally supervise and control the whole facility.  
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