Author: Odagiri, J.-I.
Paper Title Page
MOBAUST05 Control System Achievement at KEKB and Upgrade Design for SuperKEKB 17
  • K. Furukawa, A. Akiyama, E. Kadokura, M. Kurashina, K. Mikawa, F. Miyahara, T.T. Nakamura, J.-I. Odagiri, M. Satoh, T. Suwada
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • T. Kudou, S. Kusano, T. Nakamura, K. Yoshii
    MELCO SC, Tsukuba, Japan
  • T. Okazaki
    EJIT, Hitachi, Ibaraki, Japan
  SuperKEKB electron-positron asymmetric collider is being constructed after a decade of successful operation at KEKB for B physics research. KEKB completed all of the technical milestones, and had offered important insights into the flavor structure of elementary particles, especially the CP violation. The combination of scripting languages at the operation layer and EPICS at the equipment layer had led the control system to successful performance. The new control system in SuperKEKB will continue to employ those major features of KEKB, with additional technologies for the reliability and flexibility. The major structure will be maintained especially the online linkage to the simulation code and slow controls. However, as the design luminosity is 40-times higher than that of KEKB, several orders of magnitude higher performance will be required at certain area. At the same time more controllers with embedded technology will be installed to meet the limited resources.  
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MOPMS026 J-PARC Control toward Future Reliable Operation 378
  • N. Kamikubota, N. Yamamoto
    J-PARC, KEK & JAEA, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
  • S.F. Fukuta, D. Takahashi
    MELCO SC, Tsukuba, Japan
  • T. Iitsuka, S. Motohashi, M. Takagi, S.Y. Yoshida
    Kanto Information Service (KIS), Accelerator Group, Ibaraki, Japan
  • T. Ishiyama
    KEK/JAEA, Ibaraki-Ken, Japan
  • Y. Ito, H. Sakaki
    JAEA, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
  • Y. Kato, M. Kawase, N. Kikuzawa, H. Sako, K.C. Sato, H. Takahashi, H. Yoshikawa
    JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken, Japan
  • T. Katoh, H. Nakagawa, J.-I. Odagiri, T. Suzuki, S. Yamada
    KEK, Tokai, Ibaraki, Japan
  • H. Nemoto
    ACMOS INC., Tokai-mura, Ibaraki, Japan
  J-PARC accelerator complex comprises Linac, 3-GeV RCS (Rapid Cycle Synchrotron), and 30-GeV MR (Main Ring). The J-PARC is a joint project between JAEA and KEK. Two control systems, one for Linac and RCS and another for MR, were developed by two institutes. Both control systems use the EPICS toolkit, thus, inter-operation between two systems is possible. After the first beam in November, 2006, beam commissioning and operation have been successful. However, operation experience shows that two control systems often make operators distressed: for example, different GUI look-and-feels, separated alarm screens, independent archive systems, and so on. Considering demands of further power upgrade and longer beam delivery, we need something new, which is easy to understand for operators. It is essential to improve reliability of operation. We, two control groups, started to discuss future directions of our control systems. Ideas to develop common GUI screens of status and alarms, and to develop interfaces to connect archive systems to each other, are discussed. Progress will be reported.  
THDAULT05 Embedded LLRF Controller with Channel Access on MicroTCA Backplane Interconnect 1274
  • K. Furukawa, K. Akai, T. Kobayashi, S. Michizono, T. Miura, K. Nakanishi, J.-I. Odagiri
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • H. Deguchi, K. Hayashi, M. Ryoshi
    Mitsubishi Electric TOKKI Systems, Amagasaki, Hyogo, Japan
  A low-level RF controller has been developed for the accelerator controls for SuperKEKB, Super-conducting RF Test facility (STF) and Compact-ERL (cERL) at KEK. The feedback mechanism will be performed on Vertex-V FPGA with 16-bit ADCs and DACs. The card was designed as an advanced mezzanine card (AMC) for a MicroTCA shelf. An embedded EPICS IOC on the PowerPC core in FPGA will provide the global controls through channel access (CA) protocol on the backplane interconnect of the shelf. No other mechanisms are required for the external linkages. CA is exclusively employed in order to communicate with central controls and with an embedded IOC on a Linux-based PLC for slow controls.  
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