Author: Nikolaidis, F.
Paper Title Page
THCHAUST05 LHCb Online Log Analysis and Maintenance System 1228
  • J.C. Garnier, L. Brarda, N. Neufeld, F. Nikolaidis
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  History has shown, many times computer logs are the only information an administrator may have for an incident, which could be caused either by a malfunction or an attack. Due to huge amount of logs that are produced from large-scale IT infrastructures, such as LHCb Online, critical information may overlooked or simply be drowned in a sea of other messages . This clearly demonstrates the need for an automatic system for long-term maintenance and real time analysis of the logs. We have constructed a low cost, fault tolerant centralized logging system which is able to do in-depth analysis and cross-correlation of every log. This system is capable of handling O(10000) different log sources and numerous formats, while trying to keep the overhead as low as possible. It provides log gathering and management, offline analysis and online analysis. We call offline analysis the procedure of analyzing old logs for critical information, while Online analysis refer to the procedure of early alerting and reacting. The system is extensible and cooperates well with other applications such as Intrusion Detection / Prevention Systems. This paper presents the LHCb Online topology, problems we had to overcome and our solutions. Special emphasis is given to log analysis and how we use it for monitoring and how we can have uninterrupted access to the logs. We provide performance plots, code modification in well known log tools and our experience from trying various storage strategies.  
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