Author: Molina Marinas, E.
Paper Title Page
WEPKN010 European XFEL Phase Shifter: PC-based Control System 731
  • E. Molina Marinas, J.M. Cela-Ruiz, A. Guirao, L.M. Martinez Fresno, I. Moya, A.L. Pardillo, S. Sanz, C. Vazquez, J.G.S. de la Gama
    CIEMAT, Madrid, Spain
  Funding: Work partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under SEI Resolution on 17-September-2009
The Accelerator Technology Unit at CIEMAT is in charge of part of the Spanish contribution to the European X-Ray Free-Electron Laser (EXFEL). This paper presents the control system of the Phase Shifter (PS), a beam phase corrector magnet that will be installed in the intersections of the SASE undulator system. Beckhoff has been chosen by EXFEL as its main supplier for the industrial control systems. Beckhoff Twincat PLC architecture is a PC-based control technology built over EtherCAT, a real-time Ethernet fieldbus. The PS is operated with a stepper motor, its position is monitored by an incremental encoder, and it is controlled by a Twincat-PLC program using the TcMC2 library, an implementation of the PLCopen Motion Control specification. A GUI has been developed in LabVIEW instead of using Beckhoff visualization tool. The control system for the first and second prototype devices has been developed in-house using COTS hardware and software. The specifications request a repeatability of ±50μm in bidirectional movements and ±10μm in unidirectional movements. The second prototype can reach speeds up to 15 mm/s.
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