Author: Martin, R.
Paper Title Page
WEPMS024 ALBA High Voltage Splitter - Power Distribution to Ion Pumps 1028
  • J.J. Jamroz, E. Al-dmour, D.B. Beltrán, J. Klora, R. Martin, O. Matilla, S. Rubio-Manrique
    CELLS-ALBA Synchrotron, Cerdanyola del Vallès, Spain
  High Voltage Splitter (HVS) is an equipment designed in Alba that allows a high voltage (HV) distribution (up to +7kV) from one ion pump controller up to eight ion pumps. Using it, the total number of high voltage power supplies needed in Alba's vacuum installation has decreased significantly. The current drawn by each splitter channel is measured independently inside a range from 10nA up to 10mA with 5% accuracy, those measurements are a base for vacuum pressure calculations. A relation, current-pressure depends mostly on the ion pump type, so different tools providing the full calibration flexibility have been implemented. Splitter settings, status and recorded data are accessible over a 10/100 Base-T Ethernet network, none the less a local (manual) control was implemented mostly for service purposes. The device supports also additional functions as a HV cable interlock, pressure interlock output cooperating with the facility's Equipment Protection System (EPS), programmable pressure warnings/alarms and automatic calibration process based on an external current source. This paper describes the project, functionality, implementation, installation and operation as a part of the vacuum system at Alba.  
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