Author: Maazouzi, C.
Paper Title Page
MOPMU025 The Implementation of the Spiral2 Injector Control System 491
  • F. Gougnaud, J.F. Denis, J.-F. Gournay, Y. Lussignol, P. Mattei, R. Touzery
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  • P. Gillette, C.H. Haquin
    GANIL, Caen, France
  • J.H. Hosselet, C. Maazouzi
    IPHC, Strasbourg Cedex 2, France
  The EPICS framework was chosen for the Spiral2 project control system [1] in 2007. Four institutes are involved in the command control: Ganil (Caen), IPHC (Strasbourg) and IRFU (Saclay) and LPSC (Grenoble), the IRFU institute being in charge of the Injector controls. This injector includes two ECR sources (one for deuterons and one for A/q= 3 ions) with their associated low-energy beam transport lines (LEBTs). The deuteron source is installed at Saclay and the A/q=3 ion source at Grenoble. Both lines will merge before injecting beam in a RFQ cavity for pre acceleration. This paper presents the control system for both injector beamlines with their diagnostics (Faraday cups, ACCT/DCCT, profilers, emittancemeters) and slits. This control relies on COTS VME boards and an EPICS software platform. Modbus/TCP protocol is also used with COTS devices like power supplies and Siemens PLCs. The Injector graphical user interface is based on Edm while the port to CSS BOY is under evaluation; also high level applications are developed in Java. This paper also emphasizes the EPICS development for new industrial VME boards ADAS ICV108/178 with a sampling rate ranging from 100 K Samples/s to 1.2 M Samples/s. This new software is used for the beam intensity measurement by diagnostics and the acquisition of sources.
[1] Overview of the Spiral2 control system progress E. Lécorché & al (Ganil/CAEN),this conference.
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MOPMU005 Overview of the Spiral2 Control System Progress 429
  • E. Lécorché, P. Gillette, C.H. Haquin, E. Lemaître, L. Philippe, D.T. Touchard
    GANIL, Caen, France
  • J.F. Denis, F. Gougnaud, J.-F. Gournay, Y. Lussignol, P. Mattei
    CEA/DSM/IRFU, France
  • P.G. Graehling, J.H. Hosselet, C. Maazouzi
    IPHC, Strasbourg Cedex 2, France
  Spiral2 whose construction physically started at the beginning of this year at Ganil (Caen, France) will be a new Radioactive Ion Beams facility to extend scientific knowledge in nuclear physics, astrophysics and interdisciplinary researches. The project consists of a high intensity multi-ion accelerator driver delivering beams to a high power production system to generate the Radioactive Ion Beams being then post-accelerated and used within the existing Ganil complex. Resulting from the collaboration between several laboratories, Epics has been adopted as the standard framework for the control command system. At the lower level, pieces of equipment are handled through VME/VxWorks chassis or directly interfaced using the Modbus/TCP protocol; also, Siemens programmable logic controllers are tightly coupled to the control system, being in charge of specific devices or hardware safety systems. The graphical user interface layer integrates both some standard Epics client tools (EDM, CSS under evaluation, etc …) and specific high level applications written in Java, also deriving developments from the Xal framework. Relational databases are involved into the control system for equipment configuration (foreseen), machine representation and configuration, CSS archivers (under evaluation) and Irmis (mainly for process variable description). The first components of the Spiral2 control system are now used in operation within the context of the ion and deuteron sources test platforms. The paper also describes how software development and sharing is managed within the collaboration.  
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