Author: Lamont, M.
Paper Title Page
MOPKN002 LHC Supertable 86
  • M. Pereira, M. Lamont, G.J. Müller, D.D. Teixeira
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • T.E. Lahey
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • E.S.M. McCrory
    Fermilab, Batavia, USA
  LHC operations generate enormous amounts of data. These data are being stored in many different databases. Hence, it is difficult for operators, physicists, engineers and management to have a clear view on the overall accelerator performance. Until recently the logging database, through its desktop interface TIMBER, was the only way of retrieving information on a fill-by-fill basis. The LHC Supertable has been developed to provide a summary of key LHC performance parameters in a clear, consistent and comprehensive format. The columns in this table represent main parameters that describe the collider's operation such as luminosity, beam intensity, emittance, etc. The data is organized in a tabular fill-by-fill manner with different levels of detail. A particular emphasis was placed on data sharing by making data available in various open formats. Typically the contents are calculated for periods of time that map to the accelerator's states or beam modes such as Injection, Stable Beams, etc. Data retrieval and calculation is triggered automatically after the end of each fill. The LHC Supertable project currently publishes 80 columns of data on around 100 fills.  
MOPMN027 The LHC Sequencer 300
  • R. Alemany-Fernandez, V. Baggiolini, R. Gorbonosov, D. Khasbulatov, M. Lamont, P. Le Roux, C. Roderick
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN is a highly complex system made of many different sub-systems whose operation implies the execution of many tasks with stringent constraints on the order and duration of the execution. To be able to operate such a system in the most efficient and reliable way the operators in the CERN control room use a high level control system: the LHC Sequencer. The LHC Sequencer system is composed of several components, including an Oracle database where operational sequences are configured, a core server that orchestrates the execution of the sequences, and two graphical user interfaces: one for sequence edition, and another for sequence execution. This paper describes the architecture of the LHC Sequencer system, and how the sequences are prepared and used for LHC operation.  
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FRBHAULT01 Feed-forward in the LHC 1302
  • M. Pereira, X. Buffat, K. Fuchsberger, M. Lamont, G.J. Müller, S. Redaelli, R.J. Steinhagen, J. Wenninger
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The LHC operational cycle is comprised of several phases such as the ramp, the squeeze and stable beams. During the ramp and squeeze in particular, it has been observed that the behaviour of key LHC beam parameters such as tune, orbit and chromaticity are highly reproducible from fill to fill. To reduced the reliance on the crucial feedback systems, it was decided to perform fill-to-fill feed-forward corrections. The LHC feed-forward application was developed to ease the introduction of corrections to the operational settings. It retrieves the feedback system's corrections from the logging database and applies appropriate corrections to the ramp and squeeze settings. The LHC Feed-Forward software has been used during LHC commissioning and tune and orbit corrections during ramp have been successfully applied. As a result, the required real-time corrections for the above parameters have been reduced to a minimum.  
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