Author: Huhmann, R.
Paper Title Page
MOPMS014 GSI Operation Software: Migration from OpenVMS to Linux 351
  • R. Huhmann, G. Fröhlich, S. Jülicher, V.RW. Schaa
    GSI, Darmstadt, Germany
  The current operation software at GSI controlling the linac, beam transfer lines, synchrotron and storage ring, has been developed over a period of more than two decades using OpenVMS now on Alpha-Workstations. The GSI accelerator facilities will serve as a injector chain for the new FAIR accelerator complex for which a control system is currently developed. To enable reuse and integration of parts of the distributed GSI software system, in particular the linac operation software, within the FAIR control system, the corresponding software components must be migrated to Linux. The interoperability with FAIR controls applications is achieved by adding a generic middleware interface accessible from Java applications. For porting applications to Linux a set of libraries and tools has been developed covering the necessary OpenVMS system functionality. Currently, core applications and services are already ported or rewritten and functionally tested but not in operational usage. This paper presents the current status of the project and concepts for putting the migrated software into operation.