Author: Hartman, S.M.
Paper Title Page
MOPMS018 New Timing System Development at SNS 358
  • D. Curry
    ORNL RAD, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  • X.H. Chen, R. Dickson, S.M. Hartman, D.H. Thompson
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  • J. Dedič
    Cosylab, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  The timing system at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) has recently been updated to support the long range production and availability goals of the facility. A redesign of the hardware and software provided us with an opportunity to significantly reduce the complexity of the system as a whole and consolidate the functionality of multiple cards into single units eliminating almost half of our operating components in the field. It also presented a prime opportunity to integrate new system level diagnostics, previously unavailable, for experts and operations. These new tools provide us with a clear image of the health of our distribution links and enhance our ability to quickly identify and isolate errors.  
THBHMUST03 System Design towards Higher Availability for Large Distributed Control Systems 1209
  • S.M. Hartman
    ORNL, Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
  Funding: SNS is managed by UT-Battelle, LLC, under contract DE-AC05-00OR22725 for the U.S. Department of Energy
Large distributed control systems for particle accelerators present a complex system engineering challenge. The system, with its significant quantity of components and their complex interactions, must be able to support reliable accelerator operations while providing the flexibility to accommodate changing requirements. System design and architecture focused on required data flow are key to ensuring high control system availability. Using examples from the operational experience of the Spallation Neutron Source at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, recommendations will be presented for leveraging current technologies to design systems for high availability in future large scale projects.
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