Author: Galt, A.A.
Paper Title Page
MOPMU021 Control System for Magnet Power Supplies for Novosibirsk Free Electron Laser 480
  • S.S. Serednyakov, B.A. Dovzhenko, A.A. Galt, V.R. Kozak, E.A. Kuper, L.E. Medvedev, A.S. Medvedko, Y.M. Velikanov, V.F. Veremeenko, N. Vinokurov
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  The control system for the magnetic system of the free electron laser (FEL) is described. The characteristics and structure of the power supply system are presented. The power supply control system based on embedded intelligent controllers with the CAN-BUS interface is considered in detail. The control software structure and capabilities are described. Besides, software tools for power supply diagnostics are described.  
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