Author: Enders, J.
Paper Title Page
MOMMU012 A Digital Base-band RF Control System 82
  • M. Konrad, U. Bonnes, C. Burandt, R. Eichhorn, J. Enders, N. Pietralla
    TU Darmstadt, Darmstadt, Germany
  Funding: Supported by DFG through CRC 634.
The ana­log RF con­trol sys­tem of the S-DALINAC has been re­placed by a new dig­i­tal sys­tem. The new hard­ware con­sists of an RF mod­ule and an FPGA board that have been de­vel­oped in-house. A self-de­vel­oped CPU im­ple­ment­ed in the FPGA ex­e­cut­ing the con­trol al­go­rithm al­lows to change the al­go­rithm with­out time-con­sum­ing syn­the­sis. An­oth­er mi­cro-con­troller con­nects the FPGA board to a stan­dard PC serv­er via CAN bus. This con­nec­tion is used to ad­just con­trol pa­ram­e­ters as well as to send com­mands from the RF con­trol sys­tem to the cav­i­ty tuner power sup­plies. The PC runs Linux and an EPICS IOC. The lat­ter is con­nect­ed to the CAN bus with a de­vice sup­port that uses the Sock­et­CAN net­work stack in­clud­ed in re­cent Linux ker­nels mak­ing the IOC in­de­pen­dent of the CAN con­troller hard­ware. A di­ag­nos­tic serv­er streams sig­nals from the FPGAs to clients on the net­work. Clients used for di­ag­no­sis in­clude a soft­ware os­cil­lo­scope as well as a soft­ware spec­trum an­a­lyz­er. The pa­ram­e­ters of the con­trollers can be changed with Con­trol Sys­tem Stu­dio. We will pre­sent the ar­chi­tec­ture of the RF con­trol sys­tem as well as the func­tion­al­i­ty of its com­po­nents from a con­trol sys­tem de­vel­op­ers point of view.
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