Author: Chernousko, Y.S.
Paper Title Page
WEPMU003 The Diamond Machine Protection System 1051
  • M.T. Heron, Y.S. Chernousko, P. Hamadyk, S.C. Lay, N. Rotolo
    Diamond, Oxfordshire, United Kingdom
  Funding: Diamond Light Source LTD
The Diamond Light Source Machine Protection System manages the hazards from high power photon beams and other hazards to ensure equipment protection on the booster synchrotron and storage ring. The system has a shutdown requirement, on a beam mis-steer, of under 1msec and has to manage in excess of a thousand interlocks. This is realised using a combination of bespoke hardware and programmable logic controllers. The structure of the Machine Protection System will be described, together with operational experience and developments to provide post-mortem functionality.
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