Author: Cerff, K.
Paper Title Page
WEPKN020 TANGO Integration of a SIMATIC WinCC Open Architecture SCADA System at ANKA 749
  • T. Spangenberg, K. Cerff, W. Mexner
    Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany
  • V. Kaiser
    Softwareschneiderei GmbH, Karlsruhe, Germany
  The WinCC OA supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA) system provides at the ANKA synchrotron facility a powerful and very scalable tool to manage the enormous variety of technical equipment relevant for house keeping and beamline operation. Crucial to the applicability of a SCADA system for the ANKA synchrotron are the provided options to integrate it into other control concepts even if they are working e.g. on different time scales, managing concepts, and control standards. Especially these latter aspects result into different approaches for controlling concepts for technical services, storage ring, and beamlines. The beamline control at ANKA is mainly based on TANGO and SPEC, which has been expanded by TANGO server capabilities. This approach implies the essential need to provide a stable and fast link, that does not increase the dead time of a measurement, to the slower WinCC OA SCADA system. The open architecture of WinCC OA offers a smooth integration in both directions and therefore gives options to combine potential advantages, e.g. native hardware drivers or convenient graphical skills. The implemented solution will be presented and discussed at selected examples.  
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