Author: Novakov, O.
Paper Title Page
S15CSE01 CASE in CERN’s Accelerator Sector 528
  • A. Daneels, A. Albrecht, A. Cabas-Alonso, F. Chevrier, Ch. Delamare, G. Ferran, S. Foffano, P. Heymans, D. Manglunki, Y. Marti, J.P. Matheys, D.P. Missiaen, G. Moorhead, O. Novakov, T. Pettersson, J. Poole, M. Pozzato, J.-P. Quesnel, S. Santiago, J. Schinzel, N. Segura-Chinchilla, C.H. Sicard
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  As in the software industry where computer aided software engineering (CASE) methodologies and tools are commonly used, CERN endeavours to introduce this technology to improve the efficiency of designing, producing and maintaining software. A large project is currently under development in the administrative area whereas a dedicated group has been set up to evaluate state of the art techniques for software development relating to physics experiments. A similar activity, though on a smaller scale, has been initiated in the accelerator sector also in view of the large amount of software that will be required by the LEP200 and the LHC projects. This paper briefly describes this technology and gives an account of current experience with the use of CASE methods and tools for technical projects in the accelerator sector at CERN.  
DOI • reference for this paper ※ doi:10.18429/JACoW-ICALEPCS1991-S15CSE01  
About • Received ※ 11 November 1991 — Accepted ※ 20 November 1991 — Issued ※ 04 December 1992  
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