Author: Lozeeva, T.A.
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TUA2WC02 Status of R&D on New Superconducting Injector Linac for Nuclotron-NICA 83
  • S.M. Polozov, M. Gusarova, T. Kulevoy, M.V. Lalayan, T.A. Lozeeva, S.V. Matsievskiy, R.E. Nemchenko, A.V. Samoshin, V.L. Shatokhin, N.P. Sobenin, D.V. Surkov, K.V. Taletskiy, V. Zvyagintsev
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  • A.A. Bakinowskaya, V.S. Petrakovsky, I.L. Pobol, A.I. Pokrovsky, D.A. Shparla, A. Shvedau, S.V. Yurevich, V.G. Zaleski
    Physical-Technical Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
  • M.A. Baturitski, S.A. Maksimenko
    INP BSU, Minsk, Belarus
  • A.V. Butenko, N. Emelianov, A.O. Sidorin, E. Syresin, G.V. Trubnikov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  • S.E. Demyanov
    Scientific-Practical Materials Research Centre of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus, Minsk, Belarus
  • V.A. Karpovich
    BSU, Minsk, Belarus
  • T. Kulevoy
    ITEP, Moscow, Russia
  • V.N. Rodionova
    Belarussian State University, Scientific Research Institute of Nuclear Problems, Minsk, Belarus
  • V. Zvyagintsev
    TRIUMF, Vancouver, Canada
  The progress in R&D of QWR and HWR superconducting cavities will be discussed. These cavities are designed for the new injection linac constructed for Nuclotron-NICA complex at JINR. The goal of new linac is to accelerate protons up to 25 MeV (and up to 50 MeV at the second stage) and light ions to ~7.5 MeV/u for Nuclotron-NICA injection. Current results of beam dynamics simulations, SC cavities design and SRF technology development will be presented in this report.  
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WEP1WB04 Design of Linac-100 and Linac-30 for New Rare Isotope Facility Project DERICA at JINR 220
  • S.M. Polozov, V.S. Dyubkov, T. Kulevoy, Y. Lozeev, T.A. Lozeeva, A.V. Samoshin
    MEPhI, Moscow, Russia
  • A.S. Fomichev, L.V. Grigorenko
    JINR/FLNR, Moscow region, Russia
  • T. Kulevoy
    ITEP, Moscow, Russia
  DERICA (Dubna Electron-Radioactive Ion Collider fAcility) is the new ambitious project under development at JINR, Dubna *. DERICA is proposed as the next step in RIB facilities development. It is planned that in the DERICA project the RIBs produced by the Fragment Separator, are stopped in a gas cell, are accumulated in the ion trap and then are transferred to the ion trap/charge breeder, creating the highest possible charge state for the further effective acceleration (system {gas cell - ion trap - ion trap/charge breeder}). From the accelerator point of view DERICA will include the driver LINAC-100 of heavy ions with Z=5-92 (energy up to 100 MeV/u) with operating mode close to CW, the fragment separator, the re-accelerator LINAC-30 of secondary beams with energies in the range 5-30 MeV/u), the fast ramping ring (energy <300 AMeV), the collector ring and the electron storage ring. General DERICA concept and possible design of the LINAC-100 and LINAC-30 accelerators playing a key role in the project will presented in this report.
* A.S. Fomichev et al., Scientific program of DERICA prospective accelerator and storage ring facility for radioactive ion beam research,
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