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Prasuhn, D.

Paper Title Page
THO1C06 Electron Cooled Beam Losses Phenomena in COSY 649
  • Y. Senichev, R. Gebel, B. Lorentz, R. Maier, M. Nekipelov, D. Prasuhn, F. Rathmann, H. Stockhorst
    FZJ, Jülich

Experimentally it has been shown the achievable intensity of electron cooled beams at COSY is restricted by three main beam loss phenomena: the initial losses just after injection during 5-10 s of beam cooling, the coherent self-excited oscillation of cooled beam and the long-term losses ~ n x 1000 s. The second was successfully investigated and damped by the feedback system. In this work we study the first and third types of loss. Since the most important losses are suspected to be due to the single Coulomb scattering we have investigated the dynamic aperture with the electron beam as main source of non-linearity. We analytically and numerically studied how the dynamic aperture depends on an electron beam, in particular, value of its current, distribution, displacement relatively of proton beam and finally on TWISS-parameters in the cooler location. As a result we have concluded, that each of them influences on the dynamic aperture everyone in own way. In paper we compare the theoretical and experimental results.


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