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Bermejo, F.J.

Paper Title Page
MOPD37 Electrode Design of the ESS-Bilbao Accelerator Proton Extraction System 144
  • D. Fernandez-Cañoto, I. Bustinduy, D. de Cos
    ESS Bilbao, Bilbao
  • F.J. Bermejo
    Bilbao, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bilbao
  • J. Feuchtwanger, J.L. Munoz
    ESS-Bilbao, Zamudio

The goal of extracting high proton currents from the ECR source of the Bilbao Accelerator has required comprehensive and interactive studies by using systematic beam dynamics simulations to derive acceptable geometric parameters for the projected electrode extraction system. Two tetrode designs were mainly analyzed; the first is based on a Pierce geometry; and the second on a spherically convergent extraction system. Both designs consist of a plasma electrode at 75kV, and then, a puller system formed by a grounded electrode separated from the plasma chamber to a certain extraction-gap distance, an electron repeller electrode fed at -3kV, and finally a grounded electrode. Geometric parameters such as the distances between electrodes, the different electrode apertures, the plasma electrode angle related to the Pierce layout, and also, the plasma and extraction electrode radial shapes related to the spherical extractor design were optimized for a 70mA proton beam.

THO1B05 First LEBT Simulations for the Bilbao Accelerator Ion Source Test Stand 595
  • I. Bustinduy, D. de Cos
    ESS Bilbao, Bilbao
  • J.J. Back
    University of Warwick, Coventry
  • F.J. Bermejo
    Bilbao, Faculty of Science and Technology, Bilbao
  • J.-P. Carneiro
    Fermilab, Batavia
  • D.C. Faircloth, S.R. Lawrie, A.P. Letchford
    STFC/RAL/ISIS, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon
  • J. Feuchtwanger, J.L. Munoz
    ESS-Bilbao, Zamudio
  • S. Jolly, P. Savage
    Imperial College of Science and Technology, Department of Physics, London
  • J. Lucas
    Elytt Energy, Madrid
  • J.K. Pozimski
    STFC/RAL, Chilton, Didcot, Oxon

The Proposed Multi-specimen Low Energy Transport System (LEBT) consists of a series of solenoids with tunable magnetic fields, used to match the characteristics of the beam to those imposed by the RFQ input specification. The design of the LEBT involves selecting the number of solenoids to use and their fixed positions, so that the set of fields that provides the desired matching can be found for any given conditions (different currents, input emittances, etc). In this work we present the first simulations carried out to design the Bilbao Accelerator LEBT, which were peformed using several codes (Track, GPT, Trace2D). The best configuration is discussed and evaluated in terms of the degree of matching to the RFQ input requirements.


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