TUOCM  —  Instrumentation, Controls, Feedback & Operational Aspects   (24-Jun-08   15:00—16:00)

Chair: K. Wittenburg, DESY, Hamburg

Paper Title Page
TUOCM01 First Measurements of the Longitudinal Bunch Profile at SLAC Using Coherent Smith-Purcell Radiation at 28GeV 1026
  • V. Blackmore, G. Doucas, B. Ottewell, C. Perry
    OXFORDphysics, Oxford, Oxon
  • R. Arnold, S. Molloy, M. Woods
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California
  • M. F. Kimmitt
    University of Essex, Physics Centre, Colchester
  Coherent Smith-Purcell radiation has been demonstrated as a technique for measuring the longitudinal profile of charged particles bunches in the low to intermediate energy range. However, with the advent of the International Linear Collider, the need has arisen for a non-invasive method of measuring the bunch profile at extremely high energies. Smith-Purcell radiation has been used for the first time in the multi-GeV regime to measure the longitudinal profile of the 28GeV SLAC beam. The experiment has both successfully determined the bunch length, and has also demonstrated its sensitivity to bunch profile changes. The challenges associated with this technique, and its prospects as a diagnostic tool are reported here.  
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TUOCM02 X-ray Monitor Based on Coded-aperture Imaging for KEKB Upgrade and ILC Damping Ring 1029
  • J. W. Flanagan, H. Fukuma, S. Hiramatsu, H. Ikeda, K.-I. Kanazawa, T. Mitsuhashi, J. Urakawa
    KEK, Ibaraki
  • J. P. Alexander
    CLASSE, Ithaca
  • M. A. Palmer
    Cornell University, Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics, Ithaca, New York
  • G. S. Varner
    UH, Honolulu, HI
  We present here design considerations for an x-ray monitor for high-resolution (a few um) and fast response (sub-nanosecond) for beam profile measurements to be used at an upgraded KEKB and/or ILC damping ring. The optics for the monitor are based on a technique borrowed from x-ray astronomy, coded-aperture imaging, which should permit broad-spectrum, low-distortion measurements to maximize the observable photon flux per bunch. Coupled with a high-speed digitizer system, the goal is to make sub-bunch-length, turn-by-turn measurements of beam profile and position.  
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TUOCM03 Beam Loss Position Monitoring with Optical Fibres at DELTA 1032
  • F. Rüdiger, G. Schmidt, K. Wille
    DELTA, Dortmund
  • W. Goettmann
    HMI, Berlin
  • M. Koerfer
    DESY, Hamburg
  Detection of ionising radiation with optical fibres is used to localize beam losses. At DELTA three different systems are in use. Optical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR) is used to measure radiation doses along the full length of the storage ring vacuum chamber. Transmission measurement of optical fibre loops is used for surveillance of radiation sensitive objects like Undulator permanent magnets. Integration into the DELTA control system offers the possibility to react on increased doses within several minutes. Detection of Cerenkov radiation offers real-time beam loss position monitoring with single-bunch resolution of 2 ns. With up to four fibres mounted at different positions along the vacuum chamber spatial measurement of beam loss is used to increase injection efficiency.  
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