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Sita, L.

Paper Title Page
WEPLS124 Diamond Booster Magnet Power Converters 2664
  • J.A. Dobbing, C.A. Abraham, R.J. Rushton
    Diamond, Oxfordshire
  • F. Cagnolati, M.P.C. Pretelli, L. Sita
    O.C.E.M. S.p.A., Bologna
  • G. Facchini
    CERN, Geneva
  • C. Rossi
    CASY, Bologna
  This paper will describe the design, factory tests, commissioning and early operation of the Diamond Booster Power Converters. The Power Converters covered are the Dipole, Quadrupole with two outputs, two bi-polar Sextupoles and 44 Steerers. The actual achieved performance will be compared with the specification and the extensive modelling that was carried out during the design phase. The design includes measures to enhance the reliability of the power converters, such as redundancy, plug-in modularity, component de-rating and component standardisation. All the Diamond power converters use the same digital controller, manufactured under licence from the Paul Scherrer Institute.  
WEPLS125 Diamond Storage Ring Magnet Power Converters 2667
  • R.J. Rushton, C.A. Abraham, J.A. Dobbing
    Diamond, Oxfordshire
  • F. Cagnolati, G. Facchini, M.P.C. Pretelli, V.R. Rossi, L. Sita
    O.C.E.M. S.p.A., Bologna
  • C. Rossi
    CASY, Bologna
  The DC Magnet Power Converter requirements for the Storage Ring of the Diamond Project are described together with performance, commissioning and initial operating experience. In addition to meeting the required performance, emphasis during the design phase was placed on reliability and minimising the mean time to repair a power converter. A modular design, built-in redundancy, EMC filtering and testing, component de-rating and standardisation have all been adopted. The power modules for the 200A supplies were subject to highly accelerated stress screening. All converters are switched mode with full digital control and a common control interface. Every power converter appears identical to the Controls Network, from the lowest power corrector up to the 800 kW Storage Ring Dipole Converter.