Author: Strohman, C.R.
Paper Title Page
MOP304 Development of an X-Ray Beam Size Monitor with Single Pass Measurement Capability for CesrTA 687
  • N.T. Rider, J.P. Alexander, M.G. Billing, J. Dobbins, R.E. Meller, M.A. Palmer, D.P. Peterson, C.R. Strohman
    CLASSE, Ithaca, New York, USA
  • J.W. Flanagan
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  The CESR Test Accelerator (CesrTA) program targets the study of beam physics issues relevant to linear collider damping rings. This endeavor requires new instrumentation to study the beam dynamics along trains of ultra low emittance bunches. A key element of the program has been the development of an x-ray beam size monitor capable of collecting single pass measurements of individual bunches in a train over thousands of turns. This instrument utilizes custom, high bandwidth amplifiers and digitization hardware to collect signals from a linear InGaAs diode array. The digitizer is synchronized with the CESR timing system and is capable of recording beam size measurements for bunches spaced by as little as 4ns. The x-ray source is a bending magnet with Ec=0.6 keV during 2 GeV CesrTA operations. For these conditions the amplifier dynamic range was optimized to allow measurements with 3x109 to 1011 particles per bunch. Initial testing is complete. Data analysis and examples of key measurements which illustrate the instrument's performance are presented. This device offers unique measurement capabilities applicable to future high energy physics accelerators and light sources.  
TUP230 In-situ Secondary Electron Yield Measurement System at CesrTA 1253
  • Y. Li, J.V. Conway, S. Greenwald, J.-S. Kim, V. Medjidzade, T.P. Moore, M.A. Palmer, C.R. Strohman
    CLASSE, Ithaca, New York, USA
  • D. Asner
    Carleton University, College of Natural Sciences, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
  Funding: Work Supported by NSF Grant #PHY-0734867 & DOE Grant #DE-FC02-08ER41538
Measuring the secondary electron yield (SEY) on technical surfaces in accelerator vacuum systems provides essential information for the study of electron cloud growth and suppression, with application to many accelerator R&D projects. As a part of the CesrTA research program, we developed and deployed an in-situ SEY measurement system. A two-sample SEY system was installed in the CesrTA vacuum system with one sample exposed to direct synchrotron radiation (SR) and the other sample exposed to scattered SR. The SEYs of both samples were measured as a function of the SR dosages. In this paper, we describe the in-situ SEY measurement systems and the initial results on bare aluminum (6061-T6), TiN-coated aluminum, amorphous carbon-coated aluminum, and amorphous carbon-coated copper samples.
WEP022 Status of Low Emittance Tuning at CesrTA 1540
  • J.P. Shanks, M.G. Billing, R.E. Meller, M.A. Palmer, M.C. Rendina, N.T. Rider, D. L. Rubin, D. Sagan, C.R. Strohman, Y. Yanay
    CLASSE, Ithaca, New York, USA
  Funding: Work supported by the National Science Foundation and by the US Department of Energy under contract numbers PHY-0734867 and DE-FC02-08ER41538.
We report on the status of emittance tuning techniques at the CESR Test Accelerator CesrTA. The CesrTA experimental program requires the capability to operate in a variety of machine lattices with the smallest possible emittance. We have attempted to minimize the turn-around time of our low emittance tuning procedure. We utilize high bandwidth BPM electronics for fast, precision measurements of orbit, betatron phase, transverse coupling, and dispersion. Turn by turn data is used to measure BPM button electrode gains to a under a percent. Gain-corrected coupling data is utilized to determine BPM tilts to 10mrad, allowing for measurement of vertical dispersion at the level of 10mm. Measurement and analysis of the data for characterizing BPM response takes 5 minutes. Beam based measurement of machine functions, data analysis, and implementing corrections in the machine takes another 5 minutes. An x-ray beam size monitor provides a real time check on the effectiveness of the procedure. A typical correction results in an emittance less than 20pm at 2.1GeV in 1-2 iterations. Sub 15pm has been achieved with adjustment of closed coupling/vertical dispersion bumps and betatron tunes.