Author: Zhang, Y.L.
Paper Title Page
THPEA011 WPF Based EPICS Server and its Application in CSNS 3170
  • Y.L. Zhang, G. Lei
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  The control system of China Spallation Neutron Source(CSNS) is under construction based on EPICS. The Linac low level RF(LLRF) local control program running on a local control PC uses Windows Presentation Foundation( WPF) as its development tool and uses the C# codes to implement the functionality. The Linac LLRF control system is non-EPICS, so the Linac LLRF local variables can’t be accessed directly from EPICS. Therefore we need to port the Linac LLRF local control system to EPICS. This paper presents the WPF base EPICS server and its application in CSNS.