Author: Zhang, Q.J.
Paper Title Page
THPEA008 Study on the Energy Response of a Multi-layer Planar High Pressure Ionization Chamber using MCNP Program 3164
  • Y.D. Ding, P.F. Wang, Q.B. Wang, Q.J. Zhang
    IHEP, Beijing, People's Republic of China
  High pressure ionization chamber is widely used to detect various radiation fields due to its good energy response. A new Multi-layer planar high pressure ionization chamber is designed suitable for measuring directional radiation field of high dose rate, because of its high electric field strength. In this paper, MCNP program is used to simulate and calculate the energy response of this ionization chamber to obtain the energy response of high energy photons, which could not be obtained by experimental methods. The results show that this ionization chamber can measure photon radiation energy up to 10MeV.