Author: Xie, Y.
Paper Title Page
WEPWO061 Readiness for the Cornell ERL 2447
  • G.H. Hoffstaetter, A.C. Bartnik, I.V. Bazarov, D.H. Bilderback, M.G. Billing, J.D. Brock, J.A. Crittenden, L. Cultrera, D.S. Dale, J. Dobbins, B.M. Dunham, R.D. Ehrlich, M. P. Ehrlichman, R. Eichhorn, K. Finkelstein, E. Fontes, M.J. Forster, S.J. Full, F. Furuta, D. Gonnella, S.W. Gray, S.M. Gruner, C.M. Gulliford, D.L. Hartill, Y. He, R.G. Helmke, K.M.V. Ho, R.P.K. Kaplan, S.S. Karkare, V.O. Kostroun, H. Lee, Y. Li, M. Liepe, X. Liu, J.M. Maxson, C.E. Mayes, A.A. Mikhailichenko, H. Padamsee, J.R. Patterson, S.B. Peck, S. Posen, P. Quigley, P. Revesz, D.H. Rice, D. Sagan, J. Sears, V.D. Shemelin, D.M. Smilgies, E.N. Smith, K.W. Smolenski, A.B. Temnykh, M. Tigner, N.R.A. Valles, V. Veshcherevich, A.R. Woll, Y. Xie, Z. Zhao
    CLASSE, Ithaca, New York, USA
  Funding: Supported by NSF award DMR-0807731 and NY State
Energy-Recovery Linacs (ERLs) are proposed as drivers for hard x-ray sources because of their ability to produce electron bunches with small, flexible cross sections and short lengths at high repetition rates. Cornell University has pioneered the design and hardware for ERL lightsources. This preparatory research for ERL-lightsource construction will be discussed. Important milestones have been achieved in Cornell's prototype ERL injector, including the production of a prototype SRF cavity that exceeds design specifications, the regular production of long-lived and low emittance cathodes, the acceleration of ultra-low emittance bunches, and the world-record of 65 mA current from a photoemission DC gun. We believe that demonstration of the practical feasibility of these technologies have progressed sufficiently to allow the construction of an ERL-based lightsource like that described in [].
WEPWO071 Quench and High Field Q-SLOP Studies using a Single Cell Cavity with Artificial Pits 2465
  • Y. Xie, G.H. Hoffstaetter, M. Liepe
    CLASSE, Ithaca, New York, USA
  Surface defects such as pits have been identified as some of the main sources of limitations of srf cavity performance. A single cell cavity was made with 30 artificial pits in the high magnetic field region to gain new insight in how pits limit the cavity performance. The test of the pit cavity showed clear evidence that the edges of two of the largest radius pits transitioned into the normal conducting state at field just below the quench field of the cavity, and that the quench was indeed induced by these two pits. Insights about quench and non-linear rf resistances will be presented.