Author: Wu, S.S.Q.
Paper Title Page
WEPWA073 Compton Scattering Gamma-ray Light Source Modeling and Optimization 2283
  • F.V. Hartemann, R.A. Marsh, S.S.Q. Wu
    LLNL, Livermore, California, USA
  Funding: This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344
In Compton scattering light sources, a short (ps to ns) laser pulse and a high brightness relativistic electron beam collide to yield tunable, monochromatic, polarized gamma-ray photons. The properties of the gamma-ray phase space is studied, in relation to the full electron bunch and laser pulse phase spaces, along with collimation, nonlinear effects and other sources of spectral broadening. This process has potential high impact applications in homeland security, nuclear waste assay, medical imaging and stockpile surveillance, among other areas of interest. Detailed theoretical modeling is outlined to aid the design of Compton light sources and provide optimization strategies relevant within the context of nuclear photonics applications.
WEPFI077 LLNL X-band Test Station Status 2872
  • R.A. Marsh, F. Albert, G.G. Anderson, S.G. Anderson, C.P.J. Barty, E.T. Dayton, S.E. Fisher, D.J. Gibson, F.V. Hartemann, S.S.Q. Wu
    LLNL, Livermore, California, USA
  Funding: This work performed under the auspices of the U.S. Department of Energy by Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory under Contract DE-AC52-07NA27344
In support of Compton scattering gamma-ray source efforts at LLNL, a multi-bunch test station is being developed to investigate accelerator optimization for future upgrades. This test station will enable work to explore the science and technology paths required to boost the current mono-energetic gamma-ray technology a higher effective repetition rate, potentially increasing the average gamma-ray brightness by two orders of magnitude. The test station will consist of a 5.5 cell X-band rf photoinjector, single accelerator section, and beam diagnostics. Detailed design of the test station including is complete, and will be presented with modeling simulations and future upgrade paths. The current status of the installation will also be discussed with future commissioning plans.