Author: Walker, N.J.
Paper Title Page
TUPME002 Design Integration at the International Linear Collider 1559
  • B. List, L. Hagge, J. Kreutzkamp, N.J. Walker
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  In preparation for the Technical Design Report of the International Linear Collider, a comprehensive design of the accelerator has been compiled. DESY has contributed a systematic design integration approach, which helps to achieve a complete, correct and consistent design. We use the lattice as the leading element for design integration. Geometry information including 3D visualization models are derived from the lattice, and are used to ensure that the beamlines fit and suited for access and installation. The 3D models are also used as basis for tunnel and cavern layout. As detailed designs of components become available, the lattice is adjusted and the overall models are iterated. Lists of components are derived from the lattice and are used to generate a component bill of materials, which in turn serves as basis for cost estimation and installation planning. An integrated 3D model of the entire accelerator and all the civil construction elements helps to optimize the design for example with regard to space efficiency, ease of access for installation, and life safety. Setting up design integration in an early project stage results in a better design helps to reduce costs.  
TUPWO030 Beam-based Alignment Simulation on Flash-I Undulator 1940
  • D. Gu, Q. Gu, D. Huang, M. Zhang, M.H. Zhao
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  • M. Vogt, N.J. Walker
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  In order to ensure the SASE process can take place in the whole FLASH-I undulator section, a straight beam trajectory is mandatory which can only be achieved through beam-based alignment (BBA) method based on electron energy variations. In this paper, a detailed result of simulation is presented which demonstrate that the alignment can be achieved within accuracy of a few 10 μm after several iterations. The influence of Quadrupole and BPM offsets, magnet-mover calibration errors, quadrupole gradient errors are also discussed.