Author: Todd, B.
Paper Title Page
TUPFI012 HL-LHC: Integrated Luminosity and Availability 1352
  • A. Apollonio, M. Jonker, R. Schmidt, B. Todd, S. Wagner, D. Wollmann, M. Zerlauth
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The objective of LHC operation is to optimise the output for particle physics by maximising the integrated luminosity. An important constraint comes from the event pile–up for one bunch crossing that should not exceed 140 events per bunch crossing. With bunches every 25 ns the luminosity for data taking of the experiments should therefore not exceed 5*1034 s−1cm-2. For the optimisation of the integrated luminosity it is planned to design HL-LHC for much higher luminosity than acceptable for the experiments and to limit the initial luminosity by operating with larger beam size at the collision points. During the fill, the beam size will be slowly reduced to keep the luminosity constant. The gain from luminosity levelling depends on the average length of the fills. Today, with the LHC operating at 4 TeV, most fills are terminated due to equipment failures, resulting in an average fill length of about 5 h. In this paper we discuss the expected integrated luminosity for HL-LHC as a function of fill length and time between fills, depending on the expected MTBF of the LHC systems with HL-LHC parameters. We derive an availability target for HL-LHC and discuss steps to achieve this.  
THPWO078 Status of the Upgrade of the CERN PS Booster 3939
  • K. Hanke, O. Aberle, M. E. Angoletta, W. Bartmann, S. Bartolome, E. Benedetto, C. Bertone, A. Blas, P. Bonnal, J. Borburgh, D. Bozzini, A.C. Butterworth, C. Carli, E. Carlier, J.R.T. Cole, P. Dahlen, M. Delonca, T. Dobers, A. Findlay, R. Froeschl, J. Hansen, D. Hay, S. Jensen, J.-M. Lacroix, P. Le Roux, L.A. Lopez Hernandez, C. Maglioni, A. Masi, G.W. Mason, S.J. Mathot, B. Mikulec, Y. Muttoni, A. Newborough, D. Nisbet, S. Olek, M.M. Paoluzzi, A. Perillo-Marcone, S. Pittet, B. Puccio, V. Raginel, B. Riffaud, I. Ruehl, A. Sarrió Martínez, J. Tan, B. Todd, V. Venturi, W.J.M. Weterings
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  The CERN PS Booster (PSB) is presently undergoing an ambitious consolidation and upgrade program within the frame of the LHC Injectors Upgrade (LIU) project. This program comprises a new injection scheme for H ions from CERN’s new Linac4, the replacement of the main RF systems and an energy upgrade of the PSB rings from 1.4 to 2.0 GeV which includes the replacement of the main magnet power supply as well as the upgrade of the extraction equipment. This paper describes the status and plans of this work program.