Author: Tobiyama, M.
Paper Title Page
TUPWA009 Bunch by Bunch Intra-Bunch Feedback System for Curing Transverse Beam Instabilities at the J-PARC MR 1739
  • O. A. Konstantinova, Y.H. Chin, Y. Kurimoto, T. Obina, M. Okada, K. Takata, M. Tobiyama, T. Toyama
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • Y. Shobuda
    JAEA/J-PARC, Tokai-Mura, Naka-Gun, Ibaraki-Ken, Japan
  At the J-PARC Main Ring (MR), transverse instabilities have been observed during the injection and at the onset of acceleration with large particle losses. The present bunch by bunch feedback system, operating in a narrowband mode, has been effectively suppressing these instabilities, allowing the beam power to reach 230kW with only 400W of particle losses. The observed beam signals show that bunches are still executing complicated intra-bunch oscillations even if the narrowband feedback system is on, though they are not imposing significant particle losses at present. The new and more advanced broadband feedback system has been developed for control of the intra-bunch oscillations and further reduction of particle losses. The elaborate analysis code has been also developed on the MATLAB platform to analyse effects of the broadband feedback system on intra-bunch oscillations. This paper describes the development of these advanced instruments and presents the analysis of the latest beam test results using the MATLAB code.  
WEPWA015 Progress in Construction of the 35 MeV Compact Energy Recovery Linac at KEK 2159
  • S. Sakanaka, S. Adachi, M. Akemoto, D.A. Arakawa, S. Asaoka, K. Enami, K. Endo, S. Fukuda, T. Furuya, K. Haga, K. Hara, K. Harada, T. Honda, Y. Honda, H. Honma, T. Honma, K. Hosoyama, K. Hozumi, E. Kako, Y. Kamiya, H. Katagiri, H. Kawata, Y. Kobayashi, Y. Kojima, Y. Kondou, T. Kume, T. Matsumoto, H. Matsumura, H. Matsushita, S. Michizono, T. Miura, T. Miyajima, S. Nagahashi, H. Nakai, H. Nakajima, N. Nakamura, K. Nakanishi, K. Nakao, K.N. Nigorikawa, T. Nogami, S. Noguchi, S. Nozawa, T. Obina, T. Ozaki, F. Qiu, H. Sagehashi, H. Sakai, S. Sasaki, K. Satoh, M. Satoh, T. Shidara, M. Shimada, K. Shinoe, T. Shioya, T. Shishido, M. Tadano, T. Takahashi, R. Takai, T. Takenaka, Y. Tanimoto, M. Tobiyama, K. Tsuchiya, T. Uchiyama, A. Ueda, K. Umemori, K. Watanabe, M. Yamamoto, Y. Yamamoto, Y. Yano, M. Yoshida
    KEK, Ibaraki, Japan
  • E. Cenni
    Sokendai, Ibaraki, Japan
  • R. Hajima, S.M. Matsuba, R. Nagai, N. Nishimori, M. Sawamura, T. Shizuma
    JAEA, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
  • H. Takaki
    ISSP/SRL, Chiba, Japan
  The 35-MeV Compact Energy Recovery Linac (the Compact ERL or cERL) is under construction at the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK) in Japan. With the Compact ERL, we aim at establishing cutting-edge technologies for the GeV-class ERL-based synchrotron light source. To install the accelerator components of the cERL, we have constructed a shielding room having an area of about 60 m x 20 m. We have then installed a 500-kV DC photocathode gun, a 5-MV superconducting (SC) cryomodule for the injector, a 30-MV SC cryomodule for the main linac, and some of the other components. High-power test on the main SC cryomodule is underway in December, 2012. High-power or high-voltage tests on the injector cryomodule and on the DC gun are planned during January to March, 2013. An injector of the Compact ERL will be commissioned in April, 2013. We report the newest status of its construction.