Author: Smith, M.
Paper Title Page
WEPWA080 Development of a Compact Insertion Device for Coherent Sub-mm Generation 2295
  • A.V. Smirnov, R.B. Agustsson, S. Boucher, T.J. Grandsaert, J.J. Hartzell, M. Ruelas, S. Storms
    RadiaBeam, Santa Monica, USA
  • A. Andrews, B.L. Berls, C.F. Eckman, K. Folkman, A.W. Hunt, Y. Kim, A.E. Knowles-Swingle, C. O'Neill, M. Smith
    IAC, Pocatello, IDAHO, USA
  • P. Buaphad, Y. Kim
    ISU, Pocatello, Idaho, USA
  Funding: Department of Energy Contracts DE- SC-FOA-0000760 and DE-FG02-07ER84877
A novel design of resonant Cherenkov wakefield extractor that produced a ~0.9 mm wavelength radiation is presented. The experiment was performed at Idaho Accelerator Center (IAC) using specially upgraded 1.3 GHz 44 MeV linac facility. Specifics of the radiator performance and design are outlined including low-energy beam interaction with non-circular geometry. Some elements of the design may have certain potential for future compact mm-sub-mm-wave sources.
THPEA062 Magnetic Field Measurements for the IAC-RadiaBeam THz Project 3282
  • P. Buaphad, Y. Kim, M. Williams
    ISU, Pocatello, Idaho, USA
  • A. Andrews, T. Downer, C.F. Eckman, Y. Kim, M. Smith
    IAC, Pocatello, IDAHO, USA
  At the Idaho Accelerator Center (IAC) of Idaho State University, recently, a new chicane with four dipoles and quadrupole triplet magnets were installed in a 44 MeV linac to perform the IAC-RadiaBeam Terahertz (THz) project. To generate high power THz radiation, a THz radiator with numerous periodic gratings was also installed downstream of the quadrupole triplet. However, the electron beam shape at the radiator has to be horizontally focused strip-like one due to a tiny radiator gap with a width of 1.2 mm, and electron bunch length should be about a few picosecond (ps) to generate high power THz radiation in the radiator. By using the quadrupole triplet and chicane dipoles, we can control the transverse beam profile and bunch length freely. In this paper, we report the measured field maps of the dipole and quadrupole magnets, their effective lengths, and field strength or gradient as a function of the magnet power supply current.