Author: Tanabe, E.
Paper Title Page
THPPR043 Applications of X-band 950 keV and 3.95 MeV Linac X-ray Source for On-site Inspection 4071
  • M. Uesaka, K. Demachi, K. Dobashi, T. Fujiwara, H.F. Jin, M. Jin, H. Zhu
    The University of Tokyo, Nuclear Professional School, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
  • Y. Hattori
    Hitachi Engineering & Services Co.,Ltd., Japan
  • J. Kusano, N. Nakamura, M. Yamamoto
    Accuthera Inc., Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan
  • I. Miura
    Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation, Japan
  • E. Tanabe
    AET, Kawasaki-City, Japan
  Our portable X-band (9.3GHz) 950KeV linac has been successfully upgraded. The problems of RF power oscillation, beam current oscillation and reduction and finally lack of X-ray intensity were solved by replacing the axial coupling cavities with the side-coupled ones. Designed X-ray dose rate of 0.05 Sv/min@1m is going to be achieved. X-ray source part with the local radiation shielding is connected by the flexible waveguide with the box of a 250 kW magnetron and a cooling unit. The total system consists of the three suit-case-size units, the last of which is one for the electric power supply. We have also developed a portable X-band (9.3GHz) 3.95MeV linac for on-site bridge inspection. The system consists of a 62kg X-ray source part without 80kg target collimator, a 62kg RF power source and other utility box of 116kg. Designed X-ray dose rate is 2 Sv/min@1m with 200pps repetition rate and we have achieved 0.5 Sv/min@1m with 50pps repetition rate. Demonstration of the measurement of wall thinning of metal pipes with thick thermal shielding by 950keV linac and degradation of reinforced concrete sample by 3.95MeV is under way. Updated measurement results will be presented.