Author: Oganesyan, K.B.
Paper Title Page
TUPPP045 Creation of FELWI using Large Amplification Regime 1707
  • K.B. Oganesyan
    ANSL, Yerevan, Armenia
  • A.I. Artemyev, D.N. Klochkov
    GPI, Moscow, Russia
  • Y. Rostovtsev
    University of North Texas, Denton, Texas, USA
  Funding: ISTC project A-1602
The interaction between noncollinear laser and relativistic electron beams in static magnetic undulator has been studied within the framework of dispersion equations. In the limit of small-signal gain the spatial growth rates are found for the collective (Raman) and single-electron (Thompson) regimes. For a free-electron laser without inversion (FELWI), estimates of the threshold laser power are found. The large-amplification regime should be used to bring an FELWI above the threshold laser power.