Author: Modena, M.
Paper Title Page
TUPPR052 3D FEA Computation of the CLIC Machine Detector Interface Magnets 1936
  • A. Bartalesi, M. Modena
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  A critical aspect of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) design is represented by the Accelerator/Experiment interface (called Machine Detector Interface or MDI). In the 3 TeV CLIC layout, the final focus QD0 quadrupole will be located inside the end-cap of the detector itself. This complex MDI scenario required to be simulated with a full 3D-FE analysis. This study was critical to check and control the magnetic cross-talk between the Detector Solenoid and the final Focus QD0 magnet and therefore to optimize the design of an “antisolenoids” system needed to shield the QD0 and the e/e+ beams from the detector magnetic field. In this paper the development and evolution of the computational FE model is presented together with the results obtained and their implication on the CLIC MDI Design.  
TUPPC086 Conceptual Design of the CLIC damping rings 1368
  • Y. Papaphilippou, F. Antoniou, M.J. Barnes, S. Calatroni, P. Chiggiato, R. Corsini, A. Grudiev, J. Holma, T. Lefèvre, M. Martini, M. Modena, N. Mounet, A. Perin, Y. Renier, G. Rumolo, S. Russenschuck, H. Schmickler, D. Schoerling, D. Schulte, M. Taborelli, G. Vandoni, F. Zimmermann
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • C. Belver-Aguilar, A. Faus-Golfe
    IFIC, Valencia, Spain
  • A. Bernhard
    KIT, Karlsruhe, Germany
  • M.J. Boland
    ASCo, Clayton, Victoria, Australia
  • A.V. Bragin, E.B. Levichev, S.V. Sinyatkin, P. Vobly, K. Zolotarev
    BINP SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
  • M. Korostelev
    Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • E. Koukovini
    EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • M.A. Palmer
    CLASSE, Ithaca, New York, USA
  • M.T.F. Pivi, S.R. Smith
    SLAC, Menlo Park, California, USA
  • R.P. Rassool, K.P. Wootton
    The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia
  • L. Rinolfi
    JUAS, Archamps, France
  • A. Vivoli
    Fermilab, Batavia, USA
  The CLIC damping rings are designed to produce unprecedentedly low-emittances of 500 nm and 5 nm normalized at 2.86 GeV, in all beam dimensions with high bunch charge, necessary for the performance of the collider. The large beam brightness triggers a number of beam dynamics and technical challenges. Ring parameters such as energy, circumference, lattice, momentum compaction, bending and super-conducting wiggler fields are carefully chosen in order to provide the target emittances under the influence of intrabeam scattering but also reduce the impact of collective effects such as space-charge and coherent synchrotron radiation. Mitigation techniques for two stream instabilities have been identified and tested. The low vertical emittance is achieved by modern orbit and coupling correction techniques. Design considerations and plans for technical system, such as damping wigglers, transfer systems, vacuum, RF cavities, instrumentation and feedback are finally reviewed.  
THPPD010 Design, Assembly and First Measurements of a Short Model for CLIC Final Focus Hybrid Quadrupole QD0 3515
  • M. Modena, O. Dunkel, J.G. Perez, C. Petrone, P.A. Thonet, D. Tommasini
    CERN, Geneva, Switzerland
  • E. Solodko, A.S. Vorozhtsov
    JINR, Dubna, Moscow Region, Russia
  In the framework of the Compact Linear Collider (CLIC) R&D, a tunable hybrid magnet design has been proposed for the final focus QD0 quadrupole. A short model of the magnet has been realized in order to validate the novel design and its expected performances. In order to achieve extremely high quadrupole gradients (>500 T/m), the magnet design combines: a core structure made in magnetic CoFe alloy “Permendur”, permanent magnet blocks, and air-cooled electromagnetic coils. Relevant aspects of this design are the wide tunability of the gradient range, the compactness and the absence of any vibrations. In this paper a reminder of the magnet design concept is given; then, the procurement and assembly main aspects are presented, followed by the results of the magnetic measurements. Finally, some manufacturing considerations relative to a full size magnet procurement are discussed.