Author: Delgiusto, P.
Paper Title Page
THPPC054 Installation and Tests of the X-Band Power Plant for the FERMI@Elettra Project 3410
  • G. D'Auria, P. Delgiusto, F. Gelmetti, M.M. Milloch, A. Milocco, F. Pribaz, C. Serpico, N. Sodomaco, M. Svandrlik, R. Umer, L. Veljak
    ELETTRA, Basovizza, Italy
  FERMI@Elettra, the fourth generation light source facility at the Elettra Laboratory in Trieste, Italy, foresees an X-band accelerating section downstream the first bunch compressor to linearize the beam longitudinal phase space. The RF power for the structure is produced by the SLAC XL5 klystron, a scaled version of the XL4 tube, operating at the European frequency of 11.992 GHz. The 50 Hz klystron modulator is based on a standard pulse forming network (PFN) design, with thyratron and pulse transformer, for which there is already an extensive experience at the Elettra laboratory. We report about the installation and tests of the first high power RF station.