Author: De Silva, S.U.
Paper Title Page
WEPPC101 Characteristics and Fabrication of a 499 MHz Superconducting Deflecting Cavity for the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Upgrade 2450
  • H. Park, S.U. De Silva
    JLAB, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  • J.R. Delayen
    ODU, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
  A 499 MHz parallel bar superconducting deflecting cavity has been designed and optimized for a possible implementation at the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV upgrade. This paper will present the analysis of the mechanical characteristics of the cavity (pressure sensitivity and tunability) and will detail the fabrication process. The unique geometry of the cavity–which is currently being fabricated at Jefferson Lab–and its required mechanical strength present interesting manufacturing challenges.  
WEPPC102 Design and Development of Superconducting Parallel-bar Deflecting/Crabbing Cavities 2453
  • S.U. De Silva, J.R. Delayen
    ODU, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
  • S.U. De Silva
    JLAB, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  The superconducting parallel-bar cavity is a deflecting/crabbing cavity with attractive properties that is being considered for a number of applications. We present the designs of a 499 MHz deflecting cavity developed for the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Upgrade and a 400 MHz crabbing cavity for the LHC High Luminosity Upgrade. Prototypes of these two cavities are now under development and fabrication.  
WEPPC084 Development of a Superconducting 500 MHz Multi-Spoke Cavity for Electron Linacs 2408
  • D. Gorelov, C.H. Boulware, T.L. Grimm
    Niowave, Inc., Lansing, Michigan, USA
  • S.U. De Silva, J.R. Delayen, C.S. Hopper, R.G. Olave
    ODU, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
  Funding: This work is supported by the US Department of Energy SBIR/STTR program through the Office of Nuclear Physics.
Multi-spoke cavities are well-known options for acceleration of heavy and light ions. A recently developed multi-spoke cavity for β=1 presents an attractive opportunity to use this cavity type for electron accelerators. One of the main attractive features of this cavity type is its compactness for relatively low frequency. A simplified design at 500 MHz allowed building of a multi-spoke cavity and cryomodule in a 2-year time frame with confidence and development of effective manufacturing techniques. It also constitutes an important step in proving the usefulness of this kind of cavity design for new applications in the electron machines. Niowave is now in a position to build on the success of this cavity to help advance the design of superconducting electron accelerators. Accelerating voltage of more then 4.3 MV in a single cavity at 4.5 K is expected with peak electric field of less then 21.7 MV/m, and peak magnetic field of less then 80 mT. The paper discusses the fabrication challenges of the complete cavity and the cryomodule, as well as room temperature and cryogenic test results.
WEPPC085 Engineering of a Superconducting 400 MHz Crabbing Cavity for the LHC HiLumi Upgrade 2411
  • D. Gorelov, T.L. Grimm
    Niowave, Inc., Lansing, Michigan, USA
  • S.U. De Silva, J.R. Delayen
    ODU, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
  Funding: This work is supported by the US DOE-HEP SBIR/STTR program and the US DOE through the US LHC Accelerator Research Program (LARP).
The recently developed new simplified design for the 400 MHz LHC crabbing cavity presents attractive properties compared to conventional designs. The proposed approach can be equally compact in both transverse dimensions and allows horizontal as well as vertical deflection of the beam in the collider. The significant modification of the parallel-bar design with the bars merged to the side walls of the cavity gives improved properties, such as better mode separation and reduced surface fields*. A transverse deflecting voltage of 3 to 5 MV in a single cavity can be expected with the peak surface electric field lower then 50 MV/m and peak magnetic field below 100 mT. This paper presents engineering issues of the proof-of-concept crabbing cavity design and discusses the manufacturing techniques. The paper discusses present status of the project including fabrication of the niobium cavity, as well as room temperature and cryogenic testing.
* J.R. Delayen, S.U. De Silva, "Design of Superconducting Parallel-Bar Deflecting/Crabbing Cavities with Improved Properties," Proc. of 2011 PAC, New York, NY, USA, 2011, p. 1021.
WEPPC102 Design and Development of Superconducting Parallel-bar Deflecting/Crabbing Cavities 2453
  • S.U. De Silva, J.R. Delayen
    ODU, Norfolk, Virginia, USA
  • S.U. De Silva
    JLAB, Newport News, Virginia, USA
  The superconducting parallel-bar cavity is a deflecting/crabbing cavity with attractive properties that is being considered for a number of applications. We present the designs of a 499 MHz deflecting cavity developed for the Jefferson Lab 12 GeV Upgrade and a 400 MHz crabbing cavity for the LHC High Luminosity Upgrade. Prototypes of these two cavities are now under development and fabrication.