Author: Chiou, W.-S.
Paper Title Page
WEPPD002 The Purifier System for Helium Cryogenic Plant in NSRRC 2498
  • H.C. Li, S.-H. Chang, C.M. Cheng, W.-S. Chiou, F. Z. Hsiao, T.F. Lin, C.P. Liu, H.H. Tsai
    NSRRC, Hsinchu, Taiwan
  A cryogenic adsorber is a purifier cooled with liquid nitrogen that is used to trap impurities from gaseous helium in the helium cryogenic system. The output purity can be decreased to less than 5 ppm and the dew point to -62 °C. The maximum rate of flow of each adsorber is 95 Nm3/h. We installed five cryogenic adsorbers in the cryogenic system and completed its testing in 2011; five additional cryogenic adsorbers will be installed in 2012. The configuration, installation, test results and operation of an cryogenic adsorber system are reported herein.
"cryogenic adsorber","purifier"