Author: Carbonnier, P.
Paper Title Page
WEPPC001 Input Power Coupler for the IFMIF SRF Linac 2200
  • H. Jenhani, P. Bosland, P. Carbonnier, N. Grouas, P. Hardy, V.M. Hennion, F. Orsini, J. Plouin, B. Renard
    CEA/IRFU, Gif-sur-Yvette, France
  • S.J. Einarson, T.A. Treado
    CPI, Beverley, Massachusetts, USA
  The design phase of the IFMIF-EVEDA Power Couplers for the Superconductive HWR has been accomplished. TiN and copper coatings specifications have been validated on samples. A coupler window equipped with a truncated antenna and RF matching transition have been fabricated and tested to qualify the manufacturing processes and to demonstrate the technical feasibility of the coupler. Series of tests were successfully performed on these subassemblies. The last part of the design phase consists of the design validation by manufacturing two coupler prototypes and testing their performances at full power. Finishing processes and validation tests are on-going.