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FRAAC4 Astra based Swarm Optimizations of the BERLinPro Injector emittance, linac, cavity, gun 281
  • M. Abo-Bakr, B.C. Kuske
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  The Berlin Energy Recovery Linac Project BERLinPro is a compact ERL to develop the accelerator physics and technology required to generate and accelerate a 100-mA, 1-mm mrad normalized emittance beam. One of the project challenges is to generate a beam of this kind in the injector part of the machine. Extensive injector optimization studies have been done over the last years. A deep insight in the physics of high brilliance, low energy beams together with single parameter scans allowed for an efficient optimization, resulting in a layout, capable to deliver bunches of the needed charge and dimension. However, changes in the injector components' technical layout, as they are unavoidable in the current stage of the project, may require re-optimizations at any time, if necessary of the whole injector part. To support these work an ASTRA based 'swarm optimization' tool for massive parallel calculations on the institutes Linux computing cluster has been developed. Once the optimization wrapper code is written, results come for free and can help to extend the understanding of the underlying physics. Strategy, procedure and results of the 'swarm optimizations' will be presented in this paper.  
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