Author: Farrell, T.J.
Paper Title Page
WEPGF100 DRAMA 2 - An Evolutionary Leap for the DRAMA Environment for Instrumentation Software Development 934
  • T.J. Farrell, K. Shortridge
    AAO, North Ryde, Australia
  The DRAMA Environment provides an API for distributed instrument software development. It originated at the Anglo-Australian Observatory (now Australian Astronomical Observatory) in the early 1990s, in response to the need for a software environment for large distributed and heterogeneous systems, with some components requiring real-time performance. It was first used for the AAO's 2dF fibre positioner project for the Anglo-Australian Telescope. 2dF is still in use today, but has changed dramatically over time. DRAMA is used for other AAO systems and is or has been used at various other observatories looking for a similar solution. Whilst DRAMA has evolved and many features were added, there had been no big changes. It was still a largely C language based system, with some C++ wrappers. It did not provide good support for threading or exceptions. Ideas for proper thread support within DRAMA have been in development for some years, but C++11 has provided many features which allow a high quality implementation. The opportunity provided by C++11 has been taken to make significant changes to the DRAMA API, producing a modern and more reliable interface to DRAMA, known as DRAMA2.  
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