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Modanese, P.

Paper Title Page
C-07 Upgrade of the Control System for the ALPI Cryogenic Distribution Plant 271
  • S. Canella, A. Beltramin, A. Calore, T. Contran, P. Modanese, F. Poletto
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro

In the LNL Heavy Ion Ac­cel­er­a­tor Com­plex, ALPI is a su­per­con­duct­ing lin­ear ac­cel­er­a­tor (Linac) whose first runs date back to 1993. In more than 15 years the LNL ALPI Linac evolved from an ini­tial small con­fig­u­ra­tion of 5 cryostats and 16 res­onators to the ac­tu­al size of 20 cryostats and 74 res­onators. The su­per­con­duct­ing char­ac­ter of ALPI im­plies the avail­abil­i­ty of a large cryo­genic plant and dis­tri­bu­tion sys­tem to sup­ply the liq­uid he­li­um nec­es­sary to keep the res­onators at 4.2 K. While the Linac struc­ture has grown in the years and, in the mean time, the re­lat­ed cryo­genic plant and dis­tri­bu­tion sys­tems were en­larged and up­grad­ed twice, the re­lat­ed con­trol sys­tem re­mained large­ly un­changed in its main parts and it is now the first sub-sys­tem that ur­gent­ly needs a deep re­new­ing. The chal­lenge to ren­o­vate a work­ing con­trol sys­tem with lim­it­ed shut-downs is the sub­ject of this pre­sen­ta­tion.

FR-04 Operational Experience in PIAVE-ALPI Complex 208
  • E. Fagotti, G. Bassato, A. Battistella, G. Bisoffi, L. Boscagli, S. Canella, D. Carlucci, M. Cavenago, F. Chiurlotto, M. Comunian, A. Facco, M. De Lazzari, A. Galatà, A. Lombardi, P. Modanese, F. Moisio, A. Pisent, M. Poggi, A.M. Porcellato, P. A. Posocco, C. Roncolato, M. Sattin, F. Scarpa, S. Stark
    INFN/LNL, Legnaro

PI­AVE-ALPI is the INFN-LNL su­per­con­duct­ing heavy ion linac, com­posed by an SRFQ (su­per­con­duct­ing RFQ) sec­tion and three QWR sec­tions for a total of 80 cav­i­ties in­stalled and an equiv­a­lent volt­age ex­ceed­ing 70 MV. In the last years the SRFQ and the bulk nio­bi­um QWR came into rou­tine op­er­a­tion, the medi­um en­er­gy QWR sec­tion was up­grad­ed with a new Nb sput­tered coat­ing, ECR source was first­ly im­proved by using water cooled plas­ma cham­ber and then re­placed with a new one. The op­er­a­tion of the ac­cel­er­a­tor com­plex al­lowed ac­quir­ing a strong ex­pe­ri­ence on many op­er­a­tional is­sues re­lat­ed to ECRIS, su­per­con­duct­ing cav­i­ties and cryo­gen­ics, beam con­trol and ma­nip­u­la­tion (with the new and high­er ac­cel­er­at­ing gra­di­ent). The paper re­ports about op­er­a­tional ex­pe­ri­ence, the pre­sent lim­i­ta­tions and the fu­ture per­spec­tives of the fa­cil­i­ty in view of the ex­per­i­men­tal cam­paign with the EU de­tec­tor AGATA and of the use of PIAVE ALPI as RIB post-ac­cel­er­a­tor for SPES ra­dioac­tive ion beam fa­cil­i­ty.


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