Author: Krawczyk, F.L.
Paper Title Page
MOP062 Technology Maturation for the MaRIE 1.0 X-FEL 181
  • J.W. Lewellen, K. Bishofberger, B.E. Carlsten, L.D. Duffy, F.L. Krawczyk, Q.R. Marksteiner, D.C. Nguyen, S.J. Russell, R.L. Sheffield, N.A. Yampolsky
    LANL, Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA
  Funding: This research was funded by the Matter-Radiation Interactions in Extremes program at Los Alamos National Laboratory, under contract DE-AC52-06NA25396.
Los Alamos National Laboratory is proposing a high-energy XFEL, named MaRIE*, to meet its mission needs. MaRIE will be required to generate coherent 42+ keV photons, and, due to space constraints at the LANSCE accelerator complex at Los Alamos, MaRIE's design electron beam energy is 12 GeV. This combination places significant restrictions upon the MaRIE electron beam parameters, in particular the transverse emittance and energy spread at the undulator entrance. We are developing approaches to meet these requirements, but these often require solutions extending beyond the current state-of-the-art in X-FEL design. To reduce overall project risk, therefore, we have identified a number of key experimental and modeling / simulation efforts intended to address both the areas of greatest uncertainty in the preliminary MaRIE design, and the areas of largest known risk. This paper describes the general requirements for the MaRIE X-FEL, our current areas of greatest concern with the preliminary design concept, and our corresponding Technology Maturation Plan (TMP).
* MaRIE website:
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