Author: Decking, W.
Paper Title Page
MOP084 Seeded FEL Study for the Cascaded HGHG option for FLASH2 246
  • G. Feng, W. Decking, M. Dohlus, T. Limberg, I. Zagorodnov
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • K.E. Hacker
    DELTA, Dortmund, Germany
  • T. Plath
    Uni HH, Hamburg, Germany
  The free electron laser (FEL) facility at DESY in Hamburg (FLASH) is the world's first FEL user facility which can produce extreme ultraviolet (XUV) and soft X-ray photons. In order to increase beam time delivered to users, a major upgrade named FLASH II is in progress. As a possibility, a seeding undulator section can be installed between the extraction arc section and the SASE undulator of FLASH2. In this paper, a possible seeding scheme for the cascaded HGHG option for FLASH2 is given. The SASE undulator can be used as the second radiator of the cascaded HGHG. Parameters optimization for the accelerating modules and the bunch compressors has been done to meet the requirement of the electron bunches. In the beam dynamics simulation, collective effects were taken into account. Particle distribution generated from the beam dynamics simulation was used for the seeded FEL study. Space charge and CSR impacts on the microbunches were taken into account during the seeded FEL simulation. The simulation results show that FEL radiation with the wavelength of a few nms and with high monochromaticity can be seeded at FLASH2.  
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Status of the European XFEL  
  • W. Decking
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  The European XFEL is under construction in the Hamburg region, Germany. The 3.3 km long facility aims at providing FEL radiation in the range from 260 eV up to 24 keV out of three undulators that can be operated simultaneously with up to 27000 pulses/second. The FEL is driven by a 17.5 GeV linear accelerator based on TESLA-type superconducting accelerator modules. This paper gives an update on the project status and an outlook towards the commissioning and fist operation.  
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