Author: Villa, F.
Paper Title Page
MOICNO01 Generation of a Train of Short Pulses by Means of FEL Emission of a Combed Electron Beam 2
  • V. Petrillo
    Universita' degli Studi di Milano, Milano, Italy
  • M.P. Anania, M. Bellaveglia, E. Chiadroni, D. Di Giovenale, G. Di Pirro, M. Ferrario, G. Gatti, R. Pompili, C. Vaccarezza, F. Villa
    INFN/LNF, Frascati (Roma), Italy
  • M. Artioli
    ENEA-Bologna, Bologna, Italy
  • A. Bacci, A.R. Rossi
    Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Milano, Italy
  • A. Cianchi
    Università di Roma II Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy
  • F. Ciocci, G. Dattoli, L. Giannessi, A. Petralia, M. Quattromini, C. Ronsivalle, E. Sabia
    ENEA C.R. Frascati, Frascati (Roma), Italy
  • A. Mostacci
    Rome University La Sapienza, Roma, Italy
  • P. Musumeci
    UCLA, Los Angeles, California, USA
  • J.V. Rau
    ISM-CNR, Rome, Italy
  We present a direct and powerful method for generating train of radiation pulses based on the FEL radiation from a multi-peaked electron beam produced with a combed laser pulse accelerated and compressed in a linac by the velocity bunching technique. The electron beam, constituted by two bunches, can be extracted from the accelerating section when they are temporaly superimposed but separated in energy, so that each of them is characterized by a different value of the Lorentz factor. When driven in the FEL undulator, they emit two separate spectral lines, according to the FEL resonance condition, that interfere producing fringes in the time-domain. In this way a train of regular pulses can be obtained, without limitation in frequency, and with the perspective of reaching the attosecond domain in the X ray regime.  
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