Author: Wu, Y.Q.
Paper Title Page
WEPA20 Designing a Pulse-resolved Photon Diagnostic System for Shanghai SXFEL 374
  • Y.Q. Wu, J.H. Chen, J.N. Liu, R.Z. Tai, D. Wang, R. Wang, C.F. Xue, G.F. Zhao
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  It is presented the design of photon diagnostic system for SSRF-XFEL, the X-ray Free Electron Laser facility in Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility. The system mainly includes a diagnostic beamline with two branches and some diagnostic devices. In the direct passing branch, the intensity distribution of the spot is measured. A set of multi-slit plates are applied for measuring the spatial coherence of a single FEL pulse; In the deflecting branch, a high-resolution VLS-PGM type monochromator, with a simple manual adjusting system, is set up for detecting spectrum of single FEL pulse. The measuring range of wavelength is 45nm-3nm. A fast responding EUV CCD ensures a high pulse resolution to 100Hz.