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WEPA12 |
The Driving Laser for FEL-THz |
349 |
- Y. Chen, M. Li, H.B. Wang, D. Wu, X. Yang
CAEP/IAE, Mianyang, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
A solid-state driving laser system have been developed to meet the requirements of the FEL-THz research. The design specifications, configuration and diode-pumped amplifier of the drive-laser system are also described. The laser system can generate continuous or 10μs-20μs pulses light with wavelength 1064 nm, 532nm, 266nm at a repetition rate 54.167MHz. The average power of the driving laser system is more than 25W, 8W, 1W at wavelength 1064nm, 532nm, 266nm respectively. The cathode material is GaAs. The second harmonic is used, of which average power is 8.55W, pulse width is about 12ps, power stability is 0.72% and pointing stability is 46urad.
WEPA21 |
Research of Emittance Compensation of CAEP CW DC-Gun Photoinjector |
377 |
- P. Li, M. Li, D. Wu, Z. Xu, X. Yang
CAEP/IAE, Mianyang, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
Emittance growth is very import for photo-cathode injector due to space charge effect. The emittance compensation technology will be used on the 350 kV photo-cathode DC gun for the CAEP CW FEL, where the energy of electron beam is extremely low and Emittance growth is great severity. In this paper, the space charge force and its effect on electron beam transverse emittance is discussed, the principle of emittance compensation in phase space is analyzed. And a solenoid for emittance compensation is designed. Its beam dynamics has been studied by the PARMELA code. Simulation results indicate that the normalized transverse RMS emittance for electron beam of 80 pC is 1.267 mm•mrad with σr=1.5 mm, σz=4.25 pS.
THPA33 |
Bunch Length Measurement Based on the Beam Position Monitor |
555 |
- J. Wang, M. Li, H.B. Wang, D. Wu
CAEP/IAE, Mianyang, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
BPM (Beam Position Monitor) is the most basic instrument of the beam dynamics. The signal of the BPM consist more information of the beam apart from the beam position. By processing and analyzing of the BPM signal, the information of the bunch length can be got. It's a challenge to use this method when the energy is low (<30 MeV) and the bunch length is especially short(10 ps rms). In this paper, the BPM system which can be used to measure the bunch length is discussed. And the method of the signal processing and analyzing is given.
THPA13 |
A 54.167MHz Laser Wire System for Free Electron Laser in CAEP |
493 |
- D. Wu
TUB, Beijing, People's Republic of China
- W. Bai, M. Li, H.B. Wang, J. Wang
CAEP/IAE, Mianyang, Sichuan, People's Republic of China
The laser wire (LW) method has been demonstrated as an effective non-interceptive technique for measuring transverse electron beam size of CW FELs and ERLs. To measure the beam size of a CW DC gun, which is built as an electron source of THz FEL in China Academy of Engineering Physics (CAEP), a high repetition LW system is proposed. The first proposed system is going to be installed at the exit of the DC gun, where the energy of electron beam is extremely low. In this paper, the LW system adapted to the FEL beam parameters is discussed, and the main parameters are given.