Paper | Title | Page |
MOOBI2 | High Harmonics from Gas, a Suitable Source for Seeding FEL from the Vacuum-ultraviolet to Soft X-ray Region | 9 |
FEL have been recently evolving very fast in the extreme-ultraviolet to soft X-ray region. Once seeded with high harmonics generated in gas, these light sources deliver amplified emissions with properties which are, for most of them, directly linked to the injected harmonic beam, e.g. the ultrashort pulse duration for FEL and the high temporal and spatial degree of coherence. Since the last two years the developments of techniques for improving the harmonic properties for seeding FEL lead to major results on tunability, intensity, repetition rate and polarization. Actually harmonics are nowadays used for numbers of applications, before limited to FEL facility. Also, FEL based on harmonic seeding can benefit from the natural synchronization between the FEL, the harmonic and the laser used for generation, which makes it a perfect candidate for pump-probe experiment with fs resolution. | ||
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Slides MOOBI2 [1.782 MB] | |
TUPA11 | Saturation Effect on VUV Coherent Harmonic Generation at UVSOR-II | 212 |
Light source by using a laser seeding technique are under development at the UVSOR-II electron storage ring. In the past experiments, we have succeeded in generating coherent harmonics (CHs) in deep ultraviolet (UV) and vacuum UV (VUV) region, and also in generating CH with variable polarizations in deep UV [1]. In previous conferences, we reported an introduction of new-constructed spectrometer for VUV and results of spectra measurement, undulator gap dependencies, and injection laser power dependencies on VUV CHs [2]. This time we have successfully observed saturation on CHs intensities and have found some interesting phenomena, which are the necessary power of injection laser to achieve the saturation of CHG is different in different harmonic orders, and the CH intensity is oscillated in deep saturated regime. In this conference, we will discuss the results of some systematic measurements and those analytical and particle tracking simulations.
[1] M. Labat, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 101 (2008) 164803 [2] T. Tanikawa, et al., Prc. 1st Int. Particle Accelerator Conf., Kyoto, 2010. [3] T. Tanikawa, et al., Appl. Phys. Express 3 (2010) 122702 |
Intense Coherent THz Synchrotron Radiation Induced by a Storage Ring FEL Seeded with a Femtosecond Laser | |
Very recently, we have succeeded in seeding a resonator FEL by injecting an external femtosecond laser at the UVSOR-II storage ring [1]. Intense coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) in the THz region from a bending magnet was observed when the seeded FEL was operated in the pulsed Q-switch mode [2]. We have also found that the CSR intensity depends on the pulse duration of the seed laser. The CSR intensity is enhanced with short pulse ~200 fsec and suppressed with longer pulse ~200 psec. Simultaneous measurement of the terahertz radiation and the FEL pulse reveals that the radiation is emitted in the growing phase of the Q-switch FEL pulse. We think that the CSR comes from repetitive interactions between the laser pulse and the electron bunch as the short pulse laser growth in the optical cavity. In the presentation, we will also discuss the production mechanism of the CSR.
[1] C. Szwaj et al., FEL2011, TUPB05, in this conference. [2] H. Zen et al., FEL2011, TUPA13, in this conference. |
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Slides WEOC4 [2.715 MB] | |
WEPA18 | Chirped Pulse Generation by CHG-FEL | 366 |
Funding: Ministry of Education, Science, Sports and Culture, Grant-in-Aid for Young Scientists (B), 23760067 (Japan) Coherent Harmonic Generation Free Electron Laser (CHG-FEL)* is one of the promising ways to generate coherent, femtosecond and short-wavelength optical pulses from electron bunches circulating in an electron storage ring. However, the CHG pulse energy becomes smaller as the shorter pulse of laser is used for driving CHG-FEL because the number of electrons which contribute to the CHG production is limited by the pulse duration of driving laser. We proposed “chirped pulse generation and compression of CHG-FEL” to overcome such trade-off relationship, and got a small budget for proof-of-principle experiments in DUV region. In the experiment, chirped DUV pulses will be generated by CHG-FEL driving with chirped laser, and the DUV pulses will be compressed by a pulse compressor. The pulse duration of CHG-FEL before and after the compressor will be measured by a crosscorrelator. The principle, strategy, present status, and future prospects will be presented in the conference. *R. Coisson and F De Martini, Physics of Quantum Electronics (Addison−Wesley, 1982) vol. 9. chap. 42. |