Author: Roensch-Schulenburg, J.     [Rönsch-Schulenburg, J.]
Paper Title Page
TUPA04 sFLASH - Present Status and Commisioning Results 194
  • V. Miltchev, S. Ackermann, A. Azima, J. Bödewadt, F. Curbis, M. Drescher, E. Hass, Th. Maltezopoulos, M. Mittenzwey, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, J. Roßbach, R. Tarkeshian
    Uni HH, Hamburg, Germany
  • H. Delsim-Hashemi, K. Honkavaara, T. Laarmann, H. Schlarb, S. Schreiber, M. Tischer
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • R. Ischebeck
    Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
  The free-elec­tron laser in Ham­burg (FLASH) was pre­vi­ously being op­er­ated in the self-am­pli­fied spon­ta­neous emis­sion (SASE) mode, pro­duc­ing pho­tons in the XUV wave­length range. Due to the start-up from noise the SASE-ra­di­a­tion con­sists of a num­ber of un­cor­re­lated modes, which re­sults in a re­duced co­her­ence. One op­tion to si­mul­ta­ne­ously im­prove both the co­her­ence and the syn­chro­ni­sa­tion be­tween the FEL-pulse and an ex­ter­nal laser is to op­er­ate FLASH as an am­pli­fier of a seed pro­duced using high har­mon­ics gen­er­a­tion (HHG). An ex­per­i­men­tal set-up - sFLASH, has been in­stalled to test this con­cept for the wave­lengths below 40 nm. The sFLASH in­stal­la­tion took place dur­ing the planed FLASH shut­down in the win­ter of 2009/2010. The tech­ni­cal com­mis­sion­ing, which began in the spring of 2010, has been fol­lowed by FEL-char­ac­ter­i­za­tion and seeded-FEL com­mis­sion­ing in 2011. In this con­tri­bu­tion the pre­sent sta­tus and the sFLASH com­mis­sion­ing re­sults will be dis­cussed.  
TUPA22 FLASH II: A Project Update 247
  • B. Faatz, V. Ayvazyan, N. Baboi, V. Balandin, W. Decking, S. Düsterer, H.-J. Eckoldt, M. Felber, J. Feldhaus, N. Golubeva, K. Honkavaara, M. Körfer, T. Laarmann, A. Leuschner, L. Lilje, T. Limberg, D. Nölle, F. Obier, A. Petrov, E. Plönjes, K. Rehlich, H. Schlarb, B. Schmidt, M. Schmitz, S. Schreiber, H. Schulte-Schrepping, J. Spengler, M. Staack, K.I. Tiedtke, M. Tischer, R. Treusch, M. Vogt, H.C. Weddig
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • J. Bahrdt, R. Follath, K. Holldack, A. Meseck, R. Mitzner
    HZB, Berlin, Germany
  • J. Chen, H.X. Deng, B. Liu
    SINAP, Shanghai, People's Republic of China
  • M. Drescher, A. Hage, V. Miltchev, R. Riedel, J. Rönsch-Schulenburg, J. Roßbach, M. Schulz, A. Willner
    Uni HH, Hamburg, Germany
  • M. Gensch
    HZDR, Dresden, Germany
  • F. Tavella
    HIJ, Jena, Germany
  FLASH II is an ex­ten­sion of the ex­ist­ing FLASH fa­cil­ity by an un­du­la­tor line and an ex­per­i­men­tal Hall of which the con­struc­tion will start be­fore the end of the year. Aims are to in­crease beam­time for users and im­ple­ment HHG seed­ing for the longer wave­length range from 10 to 40 nm at a re­duced rep­e­ti­tion rate of 100 kHz. Ad­di­tional seed­ing schemes are under dis­cus­sion as a fu­ture op­tion. We will pre­sent a progress re­port of FLASH II.  
THPB27 Application and Design of the Streak and TV Readout Systems at PITZ 613
  • M. Mahgoub, H.-J. Grabosch, M. Groß, L. Hakobyan, I.I. Isaev, Ye. Ivanisenko, M.A. Khojoyan, G. Klemz, M. Krasilnikov, D. Malyutin, A. Oppelt, M. Otevřel, B. Petrosyan, D. Richter, S. Rimjaem, F. Stephan, G. Vashchenko, S. Weidinger
    DESY Zeuthen, Zeuthen, Germany
  • G. Asova, J. Bähr
    DESY, Hamburg, Germany
  • J. Rönsch-Schulenburg
    Uni HH, Hamburg, Germany
  • K. Rosbach
    Humboldt University Berlin, Institut für Physik, Berlin, Germany
  Funding: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Germany
The Photo In­jec­tor Test fa­cil­ity at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) was built to de­velop and op­ti­mize pho­to­elec­tron in­jec­tors for FELs like FLASH and the Eu­ro­pean XFEL. In PITZ elec­trons can be ac­cel­er­ated to mo­menta up to 20 MeV/c. Op­ti­miza­tion of all in­jec­tor pa­ra­me­ters such as the lon­gi­tu­di­nal prop­er­ties of the elec­tron bunch is needed. A streak sys­tem is used to mea­sure the com­plete lon­gi­tu­di­nal phase space dis­tri­b­u­tion of the bunch with an ac­cu­racy of few ps. In this sys­tem the elec­tron beam pen­e­trates Aero­gel ra­di­a­tors or Op­ti­cal Tran­si­tion Ra­di­a­tion screens OTR and pro­duces Cherenkov light, which is trans­ported by an op­ti­cal line to a streak cam­era. The emit­ted light pre­sents the charge dis­tri­b­u­tion in the elec­tron bunch. Some mod­i­fi­ca­tions of the streak beam­line, such as using a Hy­brid of lenses and mir­rors to im­prove res­o­lu­tion and using quartz lenses to over­come the ra­di­a­tion dam­age are fore­seen. A TV sys­tem is used to ob­serve the elec­tron beam di­rectly, where screens of Yt­trium Alu­minum Gar­net YAG and OTR are used to pro­duce a di­rect image of the beam. An overview of the ex­ist­ing sys­tems, the mea­sure­ments, the dif­fi­cul­ties and fu­ture mod­i­fi­ca­tions will be pre­sented.