Paper | Title | Page |
TUPA04 | sFLASH - Present Status and Commisioning Results | 194 |
The free-electron laser in Hamburg (FLASH) was previously being operated in the self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) mode, producing photons in the XUV wavelength range. Due to the start-up from noise the SASE-radiation consists of a number of uncorrelated modes, which results in a reduced coherence. One option to simultaneously improve both the coherence and the synchronisation between the FEL-pulse and an external laser is to operate FLASH as an amplifier of a seed produced using high harmonics generation (HHG). An experimental set-up - sFLASH, has been installed to test this concept for the wavelengths below 40 nm. The sFLASH installation took place during the planed FLASH shutdown in the winter of 2009/2010. The technical commissioning, which began in the spring of 2010, has been followed by FEL-characterization and seeded-FEL commissioning in 2011. In this contribution the present status and the sFLASH commissioning results will be discussed. | ||
TUPA22 | FLASH II: A Project Update | 247 |
FLASH II is an extension of the existing FLASH facility by an undulator line and an experimental Hall of which the construction will start before the end of the year. Aims are to increase beamtime for users and implement HHG seeding for the longer wavelength range from 10 to 40 nm at a reduced repetition rate of 100 kHz. Additional seeding schemes are under discussion as a future option. We will present a progress report of FLASH II. | ||
THPB27 | Application and Design of the Streak and TV Readout Systems at PITZ | 613 |
Funding: Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY, Germany The Photo Injector Test facility at DESY in Zeuthen (PITZ) was built to develop and optimize photoelectron injectors for FELs like FLASH and the European XFEL. In PITZ electrons can be accelerated to momenta up to 20 MeV/c. Optimization of all injector parameters such as the longitudinal properties of the electron bunch is needed. A streak system is used to measure the complete longitudinal phase space distribution of the bunch with an accuracy of few ps. In this system the electron beam penetrates Aerogel radiators or Optical Transition Radiation screens OTR and produces Cherenkov light, which is transported by an optical line to a streak camera. The emitted light presents the charge distribution in the electron bunch. Some modifications of the streak beamline, such as using a Hybrid of lenses and mirrors to improve resolution and using quartz lenses to overcome the radiation damage are foreseen. A TV system is used to observe the electron beam directly, where screens of Yttrium Aluminum Garnet YAG and OTR are used to produce a direct image of the beam. An overview of the existing systems, the measurements, the difficulties and future modifications will be presented. |