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THPB06 |
Coherent Terahertz Radiation Monitors for Multiple Spectral Bands |
572 |
- R. Ischebeck, G.L. Orlandi, P. Peier, V. Schlott, B. Smit, C. Vicario, C. Zimmerli
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
- C. Gerth
DESY, Hamburg, Germany
The SwissFEL Injector Test Facility is destined for demonstrating electron beam parameters that are suitable for FEL operation. Of particular interest is the on-line measurement of longitudinal phase space properties, as this provides insight into the bunch compression process. The spectral distribution of diffraction radiation offers a robust way to assess bunch length and longitudinal profile. The bunch length at the SwissFEL Injector Test Facility can be varied by changing the photocathode laser. Diffraction radiation is emitted as the electron bunches pass through a hole in a titanium foil. The emitted Terahertz radiation has been simulated by the code THz Transport, and the propagation to the detectors has been modeled.
THPB30 |
SwissFEL Injector Test Facility – Test and Plans |
625 |
- M. Pedrozzi, M. Aiba, S. Bettoni, B. Beutner, A. Falone, R. Ganter, R. Ischebeck, F. Le Pimpec, G.L. Orlandi, E. Prat, S. Reiche, T. Schietinger, A. Trisorio, C. Vicario
Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
In August 2010 the Paul Scherrer Institute inaugurated the SwissFEL Injector test facility as a first step toward the Swiss hard X-ray FEL planned at PSI. The main purpose of the facility is to demonstrate and consolidate the generation of high-brightness beam as required to drive the 6 GeV SwissFEL accelerator. Additionally the injector serves as a platform supporting development and test of accelerator components/systems and optimization procedures foreseen for SwissFEL. In this paper we report on the present status of the commissioning with some emphasis on emittance measurements and component performances. The scientific program and long-term plans will be discussed as well.