Author: Maesaka, H.
Paper Title Page
THPA29 Performance of the RF Cavity BPM at XFEL/SPring-8 “SACLA” 539
  • H. Maesaka, T. Ohshima, Y. Otake
    RIKEN SPring-8 Center, Sayo-cho, Sayo-gun, Hyogo, Japan
  • H. Ego, S. Matsubara
    JASRI/SPring-8, Hyogo-ken, Japan
  • S.I. Inoue
    SES, Hyogo-pref., Japan
  • T. Shintake
    RIKEN Spring-8 Harima, Hyogo, Japan
  We have developed an rf cavity beam position monitor (RF-BPM) for the XFEL facility at SPring-8, “SACLA”. The demanded position resolution of the BPM is less than 1 μm, because an electron beam and X-rays must be overlapped with 4 μm precision in the undulator section. To achieve this requirement, we employed a C-band RF-BPM that has a resonant frequency of 4760 MHz. The RF-BPM has a TM110 dipole mode resonator for position detection and a TM010 monopole mode resonator for phase reference and charge normalization. Rf signals from the RF-BPM are detected by IQ (In-phase and Quadrature) demodulators and the detected signals are recorded by 238 MHz waveform digitizers. The position resolution was confirmed to be 0.2 μm by using a 250 MeV electron beam at the SCSS test accelerator. Then, 57 RF-BPMs were produced and installed into SACLA. The beam tuning of SACLA started in February 2011 and the RF-BPM system has been working well. We report the basic performance such as a resonant frequency, a Q factor, machining accuracy etc. for each cavity and the achieved position resolution of the RF-BPM system.