Author: Leonard, S.
Paper Title Page
MOOA2 First Lasing of the ALICE IR-FEL at Daresbury Laboratory 1
  • D.J. Dunning, S. Leonard, A.D. Smith
    STFC/DL/ASTeC, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • J.A. Clarke, Y.M. Saveliev, N. Thompson
    Cockcroft Institute, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  • M. Surman
    STFC/DL/SRD, Daresbury, Warrington, Cheshire, United Kingdom
  We re­port the first las­ing of the ALICE IR-FEL, an os­cil­la­tor FEL at the UK’s STFC Dares­bury Lab­o­ra­tory. The ALICE (Ac­cel­er­a­tors and Lasers In Com­bined Ex­per­i­ments) fa­cil­ity is a test­bed for ad­vanced ac­cel­er­a­tor tech­nolo­gies and ex­per­i­ments, based on an En­ergy Re­cov­ery Linac (ERL) ac­cel­er­a­tor. First las­ing of the ALICE IR-FEL was achieved on Oc­to­ber 23rd 2010, mak­ing it the first FEL to op­er­ate in the UK, and the first FEL based on an ERL ac­cel­er­a­tor in Eu­rope. First las­ing was achieved at 27.5 MeV elec­tron beam en­ergy and 8 μm ra­di­a­tion wave­length. This re­port de­scribes the steps taken in com­mis­sion­ing the FEL, and the char­ac­ter­i­sa­tion of the FEL per­for­mance and out­put. Con­tin­u­ous wave­length tun­ing be­tween 5.7-8 μm (through vary­ing the un­du­la­tor gap) has been demon­strated.  
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